Hello From Oregon!


New Member
May 28, 2008
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:wave: Name's Francis, I am HOH, I lost my hearing from Spinal Meningitis when I was 2. I wear hearing aids and live in the hearing world, mainly due to the fact that there is not many HOH/Deaf persons where I am. Been lurking for awhile and decided to put a toe in to test the waters. :D
Hello, Welcome to AllDeaf! :)

Please do test the water and before you know it, you'll be swimming around here.

Wow, you are from Oregon

:wave: Name's Francis, I am HOH, I lost my hearing from Spinal Meningitis when I was 2. I wear hearing aids and live in the hearing world, mainly due to the fact that there is not many HOH/Deaf persons where I am. Been lurking for awhile and decided to put a toe in to test the waters. :D

Hi, I see that you are from Oregon. So am I. I am doing the interpreter's program.

I have a friend that just graduated from Chemeketa. She only got one year of ASL, but she really fell in love with the Deaf community during that time. She has to move to Corvallis to finish her program. She is not taking the interpreter's program, and already has two years into her original program. So, she wants to find some Deaf friends in Corvallis to help her improve her skills to take with her,, and of course,, she will miss her Deaf friends here.

If you want to get in touch with her and maybe swap emails, then PM me, and I will forward an address for her.. I told her just a few days about Alldeaf.com and she had never heard of it before.. So,, it would be really cool if she had someone local to hang out with.. I don't know what part of Oregon that you are from, but if you have any ties to Corvallis and the University there,, then maybe we can help her out. There is no ASL program there, and she is very shy.

Thanks, so much.. I hope you are having a great weekend... Dreamchaser...
:welcome: to Alldeaf and yay another nieghbor of Pacific Northwest! :D I'm from Washington state, too! We got a few P'NW'ers here.
:welcome: to Alldeaf and yay another nieghbor of Pacific Northwest! :D I'm from Washington state, too! We got a few P'NW'ers here.

Isn't that way coooool? It is so neat that the internet can join everyone. :) Hope you are having a rockin weekend.. We had really nice weather down here today, how about you?

Do you ever get down into Oregon?

It is nice to meet both of you.
Dreamchaser, I am from the Rouge Valley (proud citizen of the state of Jefferson!), I do not get up into Corvallis that much. However if she wants a email buddy mine is FrancisM205@gmail.com

Glad to see there are a few P'NW'ers here. Best geographic area in the world to live!
Isn't that way coooool? It is so neat that the internet can join everyone. :) Hope you are having a rockin weekend.. We had really nice weather down here today, how about you?

Do you ever get down into Oregon?

It is nice to meet both of you.

yep, it is a really nice day out there, nearly 70 degrees. I have been to Oregon many times, haha. I am having a nice weekend, also.

It is nice to meet you also. :)
Hi and :welcome: to AD! Do hope you will enjoy being with us on this informative forum. :)

i live in one state south away from you- California. Enjoy at this site while you can.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
