Hello from ME!


Emotional Mess
Premium Member
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
I am newly deafened. I had been HOH for years, but just last week, lost all of the hearing in both ears. I feel totally lost and helpless, but I know I will survive. I have been trying to learn ASL, but it hasn't been easy. My children are trying to learn with me, but my mother is unable as is my husband.

Just wanted to introduce myself and give a hearty hello from East Missouri.

Hi and :welcome: to AD. there are great members here that would give you good advice. I know how tough it is. I am also losing more of my hearing(I was born hoh).
Hello and welcome! Enjoy your way around the threads .... it's interesting reading and fun! :)
Welcome, Kristina. I lost hearing gradually over two decades and have been totally deaf seven years.

I'm glad your children are learning sign. Maybe after being here a while, some members may give you ideas to include your mother and husband in learning sign. My heart goes out to you, because it's a long, silent road.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting in the threads. Just have fun with us and learn a lot about deafness and Deaf community. I was born Deaf, but I do wear one hearing aid on my left ear. I have about ninety percent hearing loss on the left ear. My right ear is totally deaf. I am sorry that your hearing loss is gone now and I know it is not easy when you like to hear sounds or noises. I used to have a friend from Albuquerque, New Mexico who was late deafened and gradually lose all of her hearing loss. She accepted her deafness (I have not see her in a very long time, not sure if she was alive or pass away). Feel free to type away any problems with your hearing loss of being silent forever with us. :wave:
Welcome to AD! :) I started losing my hearing at age 3 (mild loss) until it gradually reached the point where I became severely to profoundly deaf 11 years ago. I now have bilateral cochlear implants. Hope you enjoy the boards as much as I do. :) I know you'll find lots of support here from people who understand exactly what you are going through.
When's the last time you had a complete audilogical workup? Have you looked into CI? There are some folks who have been hoh, and then woke up with their residual hearing gone. I think I remmy hearing that about 10% of kids who are hoh as kids, eventually go deaf. It kinda sucks that you're in Missouri.....You think Missouri, and you think of the oral deaf programs in St. Louis. Although there IS MSD in Fulton.........not sure how far away you are from there......and I know you're older, but MSD might offer supplemental services like ASL classes, and a sizable Deaf community.
I am from Germany.
I am interested me the other foreigners, as it only learns about friendship. Germany was not ASL but DSL.

I hope that you understand me, what I said.

Greeting Jana

Welcome to AllDeaf.com
You will join it. Enjoy your stay. Have a FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum, Tennisgirl11. Now you are sharing the intro with the newcomer, but that is okay. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. I can understand what you are saying on your post. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
:welcome: to AD! Learning ASL takes time. It took me 5 years to become fluent in it but it was WORTH it for me!