Hello from Honolulu Hawaii.

Hiya, hope you have a great time here at AD...enjoy your stay

Hey, thanks RoadRunner & Mlkshkgrl. :)

I was going to post something, but, I thought I would let everyone know here that I'm back(since the 27th), just out of courtesy.

Any way, our trip was great!. We went to LVNV & Calif. We saw 2 good shows, a movie, & great sights in LVNV. We also ate alot in buffets.LOL. No we didn't win anything. We were more interested in other stuff than gambling. We stoped over in by the outside shopping mall by Universal Studio & took alot of pictures from my mom's camera, even took photos of the guys & gals that in costumes(she will send me copies soon).We didn't really have time to go & get ticket to see everything in the Universal studios, perhaps next time. We ended up buying a couple of cool stuff for us.We also stoped & visited my hubby's friend & his mom in in Calif. That was good,too. The remaing days that we were herein Honolulu, we both played tourist & stayed in a hotel, & went out alot, as well as ate out alot,too. As soon as we got home, got back on track again, tried to get recuperated from our jetlag & had gotten a little busy. For now, my other classes will be, my kickboxing & Tai Chi. Until later when my other class starts, I will be taking the 2nd level to my sign langage again. Sure can't wait. Well, take care, all. Glad to be back here again. Aloha from Honolulu Hawaii. Anne. :)
P.S. will try to post later on. Thanks again. Aloha.
Aloha Anne,

Welcome to AD and enjoy this forum. I used to live in Honolulu for 7 or 8 years. I am currently lived on Big Island, Pahoa.

HiBluE01 said:
Aloha Anne,

Welcome to AD and enjoy this forum. I used to live in Honolulu for 7 or 8 years. I am currently lived on Big Island, Pahoa.


WOW!.That's cool. Thanks for replying back. My hubby & I have visited Kauai, Maui, & Molokai. I hope someday that my hubby & I may beable to visit the Big Island, because, I have an uncle that lives there. Must be nice out there. I'm even thinking of renewing our vows there on our 5th anniversary, if it permits us finnancially. Well, thanks again for replying back. A big Aloha to you. :)

Hello Anne,

I am glad you decided to stay and post with us. We do have many hearing people here, and no, you being among them would not in any way ostracize you from AllDeaf. (Maybe the name ought to be changed to "SomeDeaf?")
Anyway - do feel free to let me know if I can do anything to help you find your way around. ;) Otherwise, have fun posting with us.
Aww thanks Crazy momma
& Malfoyish. :)

"Changing it from All Deaf to Some Deaf"- LOL. that's cute & funny.
Thanks. :)

Thanks you 2 for the warm welcome.

If I do need some help, I will let you know. thank you soo much again.

P.S. BTW- *Malfoyish, I also PMed you a question.

You two & everyone here. have a good week.

My hubby & I will be cleaning up a big yard in his family's house today.

Tuesday Morning I will be going to my Tai Chi Class.

I hope sometime this week that I can meet up with some of those who are going bowling, I hope. :Ohno: :fingersx:

Well, have a good week everyone.

God Bless. :)
:wave: :welcome: Big Aloha Anne!!!! Welcome to AD family!!! I am hearing too, a CODA. It's good to have you here at AD.

Glad you and hubby had a wonderful time on your trip, and made it home safely!!

Good luck with your sign language classes, and getting introduced to your Interpreting classes. Keep up the good work, stay faithful to yourself that you can do it!!

Have a wonderful day, and :ty: for sharing your vacation!! :hug:
Thank you.

CODAchild said:
:wave: :welcome: Big Aloha Anne!!!! Welcome to AD family!!! I am hearing too, a CODA. It's good to have you here at AD.

Glad you and hubby had a wonderful time on your trip, and made it home safely!!

Good luck with your sign language classes, and getting introduced to your Interpreting classes. Keep up the good work, stay faithful to yourself that you can do it!!

Have a wonderful day, and :ty: for sharing your vacation!! :hug:

Whew. Finally got back (a little while ago) from yard cleaning.

Thank you,:ty: CODAchild, for the warm welcome. :)

Thank you for believing in me & helping me believe in myself.

I hope to get the right time & day to beable to attend the college that I will be going to. It seems like lately, it has ben tough for me, that non would have the right time & day for the class I am looking for. I have been hoping & praying that somehow someone will have it at the time & date I am looking for.

Thanks again so much.

Have a wonderful week.

Anne. :)
hey anne i replied to ur bowling question in the tourny thread :) See you thursday night??? and don't worry abt being rusty in signing. i can speak well and my partner is completely deaf will interp the convo for u not worry :)

take it easy see u wed/thurs ard there.. :)
javapride said:
hey anne i replied to ur bowling question in the tourny thread :) See you thursday night??? and don't worry abt being rusty in signing. i can speak well and my partner is completely deaf will interp the convo for u not worry :)

take it easy see u wed/thurs ard there.. :)

Thanks. :ty: - u so kind. :Oops:
Message me anytime & let me know any new news.
I sent you 2 e-mails on your e-mail address. :thumb:
hope to see you there.
Thank you so much for understanding.
Let me know in advance in any new plans,ok?.
thank you :ty: again.

Anne. :)
Anne, check this out

Good morning, and big aloha Anne. I just came across a posting "introducing yourself" from DreamyHawaii, about a Sign language festival, but, there isn't a date from 9 to 6. It's at Kapiolani Beach Park, Oahu Island, in Honolulu. That must be close to you right?

Check out DreamyHawaii, Introducing Yourself, and PM to get more information. Good luck and let me know how you made out.

Have a great day!!!! :hug:
CODAchild said:
Good morning, and big aloha Anne. I just came across a posting "introducing yourself" from DreamyHawaii, about a Sign language festival, but, there isn't a date from 9 to 6. It's at Kapiolani Beach Park, Oahu Island, in Honolulu. That must be close to you right?

Check out DreamyHawaii, Introducing Yourself, and PM to get more information. Good luck and let me know how you made out.

Have a great day!!!! :hug:

Hi, CODAchild,
I am sorry for replying so late.
I had gone to my Tai Chi this morning, &
ended up doing extra stuff around the place.

Thank you for that information. :)
I got the date information passed over to me.
Thank you for letting me me know.

Hope you & everyone here,have a wonderful day & week.

Anne. :)
:) Hello Anne!!! Oh good I am glad you were able to get the date. I thought it would be something pretty interesting for you. Oh don't worry about replying so late, :lol: , I know you have a busy schedule.
You have a good evening, and a good week too. Take care of yourself!! :angel:
to honolulu,hawaii

i was wondering if u know a person by name bobby hartley,jr. he is hearing person. he is my first true love. we met abt 16 yrs. ago in lynchburg,tn. i tried to find him in websites but no avaible. anyway, i am deaf. keep me posted. anyway, welcome to deaf community. :) titans lady :angel:
CODAchild said:
:) Hello Anne!!! Oh good I am glad you were able to get the date. I thought it would be something pretty interesting for you. Oh don't worry about replying so late, :lol: , I know you have a busy schedule.
You have a good evening, and a good week too. Take care of yourself!! :angel:

Thanks so much CODAchild.

Javapride,her partner & I finally met at a park down here.
They had a good entertainment. I was only able to take some
photos from my non digital camera.

I still have few left. Perhaps When I am done, I can post them. ;) :)

Thanks again. Have a wonderful weekend.

Anne. :)
titans lady said:
i was wondering if u know a person by name bobby hartley,jr. he is hearing person. he is my first true love. we met abt 16 yrs. ago in lynchburg,tn. i tried to find him in websites but no avaible. anyway, i am deaf. keep me posted. anyway, welcome to deaf community. :) titans lady :angel:
NO, I am sorry I don't know your friend. :(

But, here is something that I may be able to help you with.

It might give you phone numbers &/or addresses.

Hope you have better luck with this link.

Have a wonderful weekend.

good luck & hope this helps.

P.S. Try to type it without the "jr." & see what you get.


If you think that you can find the right person, PM me & I wil try to call that person for you, otherwise, maybe you can send a letter to your friend, & hope that it is the right one.

When I typed it out, there was so many of them. (without the "jr." just the full name part)

Aloha & Good luck. :)

Anne. :)