Hi, my name is Kea. My husband and I have 4 kids and have just moved here recently. My 2 year old daughter is moderately severe hearing impaired and am looking to meet other mothers, fathers, siblings to meet, talk to and such.
I do not.. That's why i posted another thread which still hasn't been apporoved. Nor do I know how to change my signature.
@ SafariGirl- her left ear is mild and her right ear is severe.. she hears at 40/80decibels.
Thanks! Also I have posted another thread in this forum.. titled lost.. feel free to read it and if you can help answer any questions please do so.
AHH, now how does that happen. I didn't think hearing changed unless you got an illness that causes you to lose your hearing. I am sorry, She may be 2 but I am really new to the hearing stuff since no one seemed to worried about it before besides us.
I love your daughter's name..Janessa is pretty and unique! My oldest's birthday is also in November, the 16. Yeah military life is hard but I enjoyed it and wish he had stayed in. Well I need to go check on dinner. Do you know how to upload a picture to your profile? I wanted to but don't know how on this site.
AHH, now how does that happen. I didn't think hearing changed unless you got an illness that causes you to lose your hearing. I am sorry, She may be 2 but I am really new to the hearing stuff since no one seemed to worried about it before besides us.