Hello Everyone!


New Member
Aug 22, 2005
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First off allow myself to say hello to you all and let you know i'm glad I stumbled across this site. My name is Chris and i've been hard of hearing for about 10 years now, but totally deaf the last 3 weeks.

I'm 35 and the adjustment has been really minimal since i've had 10 years to prepare for this so being deaf now isn't the big issue for me.

What i'm concerned about now, is learning asl. I never bothered to learn it or prepare myself for this...I know, lazy me haha. But now learning asl is a definite must for me since right now I cannot communicate with anyone---hearing or deaf. Nice situation to be in eh?

Anyways, my question is....being 35 and all...late deafened...would learning asl be harder than if I began learning it much younger? How long is the average time length, assuming one learns full time and focuses 100% on learning it, to become fluent? A few months? A year? More? I want to learn as much as I can as soon as possible..

Also, my boyfriend has been deaf all his life and is fluent in asl...which now, with me being deaf and not lip reading, or knowing sign, has created a HUGE communication barrier between us. He understands everything I say, speaking of course cause since he's an excellent lip reader too...however, now I can no longer hear him so I don't understand most of what he says or signs to me...We've only been together a couple of months, so I haven't really picked up a lot of signing from him but the alphabet.

Regarding the relationship? Is it doomed now? Or can this be just a little bump in the road and something that can actually wind up bring us closer together? I know he gets really frustrated with the one way conversations between us lately and i'm worried that he'll just want to pack it all in and find someone on his level to communicate with. Someone who hears, or already knows asl. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation before?

Any comments or opinions, good and bad will be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all who reply!! Take care!
welcome to AD! Wow, hope u will get there with ASL soon. Good luck with ur relationship :)
:wave: :welcome: NewDeaf35 to AllDeaf. I hope you will enjoy posting on this forum.

First of all, don't be hard on yourself because you haven't learned ASL yet, because now you are ready to learn, and it's better late than never.

If there is a deaf school near you or in your state you can call to find out where ASL is being offered, also try calling the Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing or any state agency that deals with deaf and hard of hearing communities to see if they have any knowledge where ASL is offered. Colleges in your area perhaps?

Now once you sign up for these classes, most are usually in levels start with beginner's ASL first, and then you work your way up each level, up to the level they offer. It will take time, in some instances to go the distance it could take a couple of years, but, take it slow so you can take it all in, you don't want to overwhelm yourself.

At the same time you are taking these classes, you would want to ask your boyfriend to help you and coach you so you can keep up with your classes, there is a lot to learn. I feel he will truly appreciate the fact that you want to learn to keep the communication open in your relationship.

Check out every avenue of possibilities for classes and when you find one that is just right for you? Sign up for it. You will be on your way.

Good luck my friend, it will be challenging, and I am sure you will be up for the challenge. Be good to yourself, take one step at a time. Make sure you always ask for help, no matter what the reason.

Take care all the best to you and your boyfriend!!! :ily:
Welcome you stay AD and let's breath away...

Some of people who have simlair you... Great sharing w/us..
Thanks to all who made me feel welcome here! I appreciate all your advice and am so glad I found a place like this to share stuff with.

I plan on moving up to Buffalo, NY in a couple of months to be with my bf and study asl full time. I learned that Buffalo has a very large Deaf community and I should feel right at home living there. And of course with the bf helps too haha.

Currently i'm living in Orlando, Florida and can't stand it...it's way too crowded for me and way too hot! I miss the seasons too anyways.

So how long has everyone been around here for? Is this site new or has it been around a long time? I'm tired of talking all about me lol....I want to hear from all of you guys...where's everyone from? Forgive me if I seem too forward, but i'm just exited to have found a forum just for Deaf and Hard of Hearing to interact...I really need a place like this!

Anyways, to all, thanks again for your replies and great advice! :)
Hey TweetyBird...Can you tell me about the Deaf cruise in your post? I'm interested in it!! :fruit:


:wave: again NewDeaf35, I am from Cranston, R.I. I am hearing, but, a CODA (child of deaf adults), I learned to sign when I was 4 years old. I am married, to a wonderful deaf man for almost 27 years this October. We have 2 lovely hearing daughters who are fluent in ASL, and a foster son who is deaf. We are hoping to adopt him very soon.

My life has always been around the deaf, I have always loved being with the deaf community.

I hope you will continue to enjoy your stay here on Alldeaf, and have fun posting. You are going to make a lot of great friends, as everyone is so nice on this forum. Good luck with your move to Buffalo!!!
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf NewDeaf35! I sure could settle in an area that's hot and usually warm all year round rather than battling the cold harsh winters and having a snow shovel act like it's my best friend-- :lol: Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD!! ;)
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