Hello Everyone


New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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I'm nearly 65 and have been having the usual trouble of problems understanding conversation in noisy places, and find it more difficult to understand female voices (except of course the wife!!) at checkouts and nearly always have to ask them to repeat the amount.

Well, I went along have a hearing check by an outfit who do not have a fixed office but rent space at various venues. My audiogram result is:

R 20 15 10 5 10 5 10 10 30 40 45
Hz 125 250 500 750 1K 1.5K 2K 3K 4K 6k 8K
L 15 10 5 5 0 5 10 10 20 40 45

He programmed some aids for me to try and yes, some sounds and music sounded better, but has anyone with a similar loss found aids really help them. I'd be interested to know and have booked a test with another company to see what they say. And by the way I do suffer from tinnitus.
What loss? You audiogram seems to say you have normal hearing, except in the very high frequencies, and I didn't actually think there was anything audible there, except to dogs.
except to dogs.

Bott, you might be on to something. Maybe that should be the new standard for doctors speaking to new parents. Then they could say the same thing to everyone: I'm so sorry, little Joey failed his hearing test. For dogs. He will never know why spot is so upset some of the time. Perhaps you'd like to consider sending him to a special school where they'll teach him how to try to figure that out.

Sorry, my afternoon cancelled on me and I seem to be in a thread-derailling mood. Eulalie: Welcome to AllDeaf:wave:
Woof, woof - dogs can hear up to 45Khz and people up to 23 Khz. 8Khz is I believe the normal upper limit for a standard hearing test and my results showed a mild to moderate loss in the upper frequency range of 2Khz to 8Khz.
Woof, woof - dogs can hear up to 45Khz and people up to 23 Khz. 8Khz is I believe the normal upper limit for a standard hearing test and my results showed a mild to moderate loss in the upper frequency range of 2Khz to 8Khz.

Take a look at this diagram. You hear everything in the speech banana. Are they really going to aid you for that?

Hi and many thanks for all the welcome greetings.

This was really my point and why I joined the community to see if anyone had a similar loss and if there were real benefits for correction.

The audiologist also said (I don't know if it is true or not) that wearing aids would prevent my hearing getting any worse - but maybe he is just after selling me £2000 pounds UK of aids.