Hello everyone from Singapore


New Member
Jun 30, 2009
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I'm April from Singapore, working as IT programmer wif Visual Foxpro...

Came across this forum and signed up out of curiousity...
Wonderful to know what's going on there even though i am far-away frm you..

Will be more happy if we can make more deaf friends, no matter where we stay...

*thumbsup* :)
Hello, welcome to AllDeaf. I hope you enjoy your stay here. There's lots of nice people here.
:wave: there!
Husband happens to be IT person, has worked in FoxPro! He is deaf without aids.
When I was in college I had a roommate from Sinagpore - I was in international dorm and had roommates from all over the world
:wave: 你好!
我們請你來這去玩一玩..來聊天吧~ 哥哥哥
Welcome to AD.
Nice's your April!!!! Is sweet
Nice to meet you :D
When I was went to go Singapore
Herzlich Willkommen :)

My family & I went to Singapore for holiday in 2000 and love it...
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave: