hello everybody!


New Member
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Nice seeing some of ya'll again from version 1. ;) Well Just saying this to let you guys know that I have arrived here. :cool:
welcome to ad part II salemsajxor.. :-P *wacks with newspaper on ur head*
Welcome back!

I'm guessing that your first job before making more posts will be to creat a new avatar and signature. Am I right?

(You'll probably reply to this post after you uploaded your new avatar and signature! :thumb:)
Hey Sig God (if you are still the one),

I wonder if you are still doing the signature request, or naw?
i've returned..been busy with summer job and everything goin on for this fall semester at skool..

I wonder if everybody around here still here or in same situation as me?

well I'll be here for short time..See ya around then :)
lol he wont stay too long, he's going back to camp! but of course he will be around when he's actually back! :P
I've seen too many graphic artists disappearing after they get full of all those requests. :/