whats the difference between deaf and hearing signers?
you figure out yourself. why dont you go ivy league school?
whats the difference between deaf and hearing signers?
oh, then it must be 2002!>~>!~>
About that!
you figure out yourself. why dont you go ivy league school?
Yeah, almost before you were born!
She has not changed her avatar since I joined alldeaf. lol i was here 2003. I met her in person. She's a cool chick.
I went before.
I met her when AllDeaf were on video chat -- she is one cool lady!
where is one at ivy league school?
is she really nice person? but somewhere said she has bf?
where is one at ivy league school?
is she really nice person? but somewhere said she has bf?
where is one at ivy league school?
is she really nice person? but somewhere said she has bf?
She's dating a hearing boy. Sorry buddy, she's not single. Better luck next time and keep your questions to PM only, not making new threads.
We don't answer for her. PM her.
Just out of curiosity - if he constantly PM other people is that harassment?
You are clogging up AD with questions meant for one person that we don't need to see.
Learn how to use the PM feature, please. You will get banned if you keep making new threads.
I'm keeping my eyes on him, carefully. Merged his threads into "Jiro?"
Decided to leave this thread to get into his head that he need to grow up.
That's the whole point; the majority of us don't think he is capable of "growing up" in the way that is acceptable. The kindest thing AD can do is permaban him.