Hello, alldeaf.com


New Member
Nov 14, 2012
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Hello, I'd like to introduce myself to your forum. I am developing a freeware program to control lighting in highly customizable ways, the more I develop it, the more it seems like this program could be useful to hearing impaired individuals. The program, Lightput, is at very early stages of development, the only version publicly available is only able to save and load different light settings, but I am adding a light alarm clock, light stopwatch and other features that I think could be useful in making Lightput a usefull program for the hearing impaired.

I myself am not hearing impaired, just very interested in working with this new lighting technology, so my question to alldeaf.com is what features do you think would be useful to the hearing impaired?

you can link to the website for lightput here. Lightput
FYI, the term hearing impaired is considered offensive. It's deaf or hoh.
hmm, I never heard the term hoh, that looks like an offensive term, I'll have to look that up, no offense intended.
lol, yup, no forum is safe from the scammers, fortunately people are getting smarter like a giant immune system rejecting scams :)

I posted this in the technology section but it never showed up, i thought that would be more appropriate spot for this. Lightput does not really interact with other software at all, but it would be cool if you could have different colors and flash patterns if an email comes in from different people, is there email software that hard of hearing people use that sends external messages that can be picked up other programs or devices?
well, I see that alldeaf.com is sponsored by companies that sell what I plan on offering to people as DIY, so no wonder I'm getting snubbed on here. I completely understand, you gotta pay the bills. go to Lightput.com/forum to discuss Lightput, see ya alldeaf.com
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Molton - if you're feeling snubbed, that you want to sell a DIY product has nothing to do with it.

It's worth noting however that most of us have had intergrated visual and tactile signalling systems (Sonic Alert, AlertMaster, Ameriphone, etc) in our homes for many many years - so we're not really looking for a DIY, since our Current systems work great and are expandable.
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