Hello all


New Member
Feb 7, 2015
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I've just recently gone completely deaf in both ears. I have SEVERE tinnitus that makes me crazy. Really suffering and hoping to chat with others who've experienced the same thing. I've been referred for cochlear implants in London Ontario but I understand it can be anywhere from 1 to 3 years as the program is severely underfunded. I've been unable to work as my job requires communication with clients. Just so frustrated it's getting me down. Hope some of you can share your insights. Thanks so much for your time.I'm not sure how much more of this extreme tinnitus I can stand. At times I feel like I'm losing it and ready to take drastic measures. Please, if anyone can help me, i'd really appreciate it.
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hello :)

I'm a hearie so I won't be of any help. But I thought that I'd say hello. :) there are a lot of nice people here to help you I'm sure. :) I'm just the chatty cathy that loves to meet new people. With that being said, I am good for insomniacs and carry on conversations here at weird hours so I can help you there in the future if needed. :)