deafdyke, I know that no hearing aid or CI is a cure like the lasik, but it's the only thing that can help IMPROVE your hearing. So if it is the only thing out there available at this time of life, do it. There's nothing wrong with it. It's up to parents and young and old adults. They are coming out with CI that's totally in the ear. That's how surgeries and devices evolve and get better. You don't wait until something is completely perfect before trying anything. A CI is as normal as anything ever tried.
A wheelchair does not make you walk up the stairs, but people in wheelchairs will not be stubborn to it and stay in bed all day or drag themselves everywhere because you can't walk up the stairs permanently without a device. It's a device and it helps. It needs accommodations, but it helps anyway. At least you get out most places. If you have a CI, at least you hear something, at least you hear the phone with your grandmother. If you don't see it that way, then I don't know what will.