And if it does work? Is it still sick?
Do you have to ask the most difficult question? First my point was that it is sick to leave a child without language when a perfectly good one exists. That being said I would answer no.
I know a CI kid who was taught ASL and who was later mainstreamed with no interpreter and is doing great. That child can still sign but has no interest in doing so. I personally find that sad but it is the boys choice and he will develop as a hearing child even though I still consider him deaf. Most would call that a success story. Although I knew the boy before implantation and he has become somewhat sullen post implant. Doctors never mention these changes in behavior. I also know deaf brothers whose mom did it all. First deaf school, then implants, then a mainstream type program with a teacher of the deaf. These boys have become bicultural. Mom is now a sign language interpreter
and the boys can sign beautifully and speak well, but really no better than my son with his powerful hearing aids. I also know several children on their second implant (same ear) and they are the deafest kids I know. Thank goodness for sign because the CI is really not going to work for them. One is a pretty girl and her scars upset me because they were for nothing. I forgot to mention that the two brothers
did not have a behavior change. They are happy and bright.
My point is you really dont know what result you will get.
Recently I was given a statistic by an audiologist who
said that 75% of mainstreamed CI children will need to go/return to a school for the deaf. That is not what the hearing parents of deaf children are being sold at birth. As parents we opted to wait and see. Now deaf people mistake my child for hard of hearing. We were lucky, but we also know we did the right thing. It would not be easy to find a surgeon to implant our boy, he is not a candidate, but I bet
we could find someone who would. I am not anti implant.
We know many deaf people who love it. I just want people to make an informed decision. Once you meet these children, successful or not, it becomes very personal. If
you watch the CI turn on videos on youtube you will only see the children light up and the parents cry when the children hear mom for the first time. There are no videos
where the implantation fails and the child does not react .
Many of these families have no sign and don't intend to learn. I think that is a big mistake. Why, because ASL is
cool and it links a child to a group of like individuals. One last thing, Implantation ,you must know, destroys any residual hearing in that ear but it also creates a fistula where fluids of the inner ear mix when they are not supposed to. Now you know everything I know and everything you know so you know the most. I am sorry I wrote a book.