Hearing loss


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Sep 18, 2006
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Hello everyone, Im 17 years old, male, and just a a year ago I got a hearing aid for my right ear because I was afflicted with hearing loss due to playing with fireworks and loud music(parties, etc) :cool: This happened about 3 years ago and only this year did it start showing up. One day I woke up and it felt like my ears were stuffy. You know, it wasn't as clear as it was before, so I kept digging my ear, at home, in school, until it bled! I know, stupid me, this was before I knew it was hearing loss. I only made it worse! So I can say that this is my fault for making myself hard of hearing :(
Anyways, I just graduated high school and Im now starting college, staying in the dorms with 3 other guys, really fun!

ALso I was wondering, when I go to college, I can't seem to put my hearing aid on... I mean I can hear the professor's lectures and questions, but not some of the students around me. I want to wear it so I can hear, but I cant seem to get myself used to it so I dont wear it.. Can someone please tell me some ways of forcing yourself to wear them? Thanks! I try to force myself but I just can't put it on.
ALso I was wondering, when I go to college, I can't seem to put my hearing aid on... I mean I can hear the professor's lectures and questions, but not some of the students around me. I want to wear it so I can hear, but I cant seem to get myself used to it so I dont wear it.. Can someone please tell me some ways of forcing yourself to wear them? Thanks! I try to force myself but I just can't put it on.

Have you considered that your earmold may not properly fit you? Maybe you have an ear infection...Well, there's a plethora of reasons why HAs may be uncomfortable...think about why they're uncomfortable--and find out how to fix it!

And welcome to AD, Chronic!
Have you considered that your earmold may not properly fit you? Maybe you have an ear infection...Well, there's a plethora of reasons why HAs may be uncomfortable...think about why they're uncomfortable--and find out how to fix it!

And welcome to AD, Chronic!

Huh? Oh no, it fits fine, I was just asking how people get themselves to wear it in public without being embarrassed. You know? Thanks though.
Welcome to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away!!! :)
Huh? Oh no, it fits fine, I was just asking how people get themselves to wear it in public without being embarrassed. You know? Thanks though.


Well. What works for me is not giving a darn!
Welcome to AD. I have a high frequency hearing loss, much like what I imagine yours is. What kind of HA's do you wear? Mine are BTE (behind the ear) with open-fit earmolds. I like them for the most part, but the earmold really makes my right ear itch and produce a lot of wax.

If you can get an open-fit hearing aid, I'd recommend it. They're hardly noticable.
Thanks guys!

HoHGuy, I have moderate hearing loss, mainly because I had a lot of hearing infections when I was about 10 years old. (SWIMMING LESSONS!!) lol

I have the tiny ones that you fit inside the ear, like ear plugs. A friend of mine in high school has the one that goes around your ear, kind of like yours.
Well if you have the tiny ones, then you shouldn't have a problem wearing them in public since you almost can't see them.
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! Eventually, the more you're able to wear your hearing device in public, the more confident you'll become and not resort to having to be emabarrassed, afterall, you do have a 'need' and if others are able to readily see that, they'll likely take that into consideration with how they approach and speak to you. It's just as easy to tell another person, say: "Can you please speak up" or "Could you please say that again?"..."I cannot hear all that too well......" With a smile on your face, more often, the response will be encouraging. ;)

Have a nice day! :wave:

:welcome: To All Deaf Chronic!! Sorry to hear about your hearing loss. I can understand when your ears bother you & keep digging in them. Mine tend to do that at times. I'm hearing myself though. I hope you can get the help & things you need for your hearing aid. Enjoy your stay here & have fun posting:thumb:
thanks! I made my right ear bleed a lot, you know, picking off all the scabs, etc, and it created an ear infection!! Stupid me..
Mine do not sound like walkie talkies. The sound is very clear. Also, my hearing loss is moderate as well.
lol.... well when you put it on for the first time..they kinda do but you get used to it later on.
Some one told me you draw more attention to yourself because you cant hear than from wearing a hearing aid
Some one told me you draw more attention to yourself because you cant hear than from wearing a hearing aid

Thats true!

Just like when your in a restaurant, the waiter asks you if you want a drink.
You go "YES!! I would like to have a steak medium, with garlic mash!" Really loud..ahahaha
Then everyone looks at you, lol.
But if you wore your HA, then you wouldnt have that problem and you wouldnt make an ass of yourself.

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