Hearing dog?


New Member
Dec 26, 2009
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As many of you may already know I lost my hearing dog Chanter the other day...:(

My mum and dad said I could get another dog and my friend would train it up for me (the way Chanter was trained)....

Can anyone help me with ideas on what kind of dog is best as a hearing dog??
I know there are couple of folks who have signal alert dogs on the forum.

I have done some volunteering with dogs who are being trained to be service animals - for folks who have mobility issues. I know that need, and what you brought up aren't same but from perspective of trainer in general and what I've read about hearing dogs, as well as what folks who have them have discussed with me, generally hearing dogs are taken from shelters and placed into specific training program which can take a few months; there are also individual trainers who will assist clients to train the dogs they already have in their home, to alert to sounds. Typical sounds trained on are: doorbell, phone, alarm clock, baby....dogs who do well with this tend to be smaller-medium-size for the greater majority of people to handle and also for traveling purposes, and are VERY curious and outgoing and NOT sound-sensitive <afraid or concerned about noises>. My understanding is there is no specific breed that is the focus of this activity <unlike guide dog programs which tend to have their own breeding facilities focusing on dogs like the GSD and the hunting breeds> but generally these dogs are often extremely active, quick dogs who were originally turned in to a shelter because they were allegedly "too hyper" - but given a job to do like they are wonderful companions. They tend to be very focused on the handler and want to DO something.

Good luck with your search, Milli :)
Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers. Neads use a lot of these breeds for service dogs , I was hoping I was going to get a Golden Retrievers , i got a standard poodle instead! I love my dog but he is cost a lot to get groomed! And he very a picky eatter when it come to food ! But he love rabbit poop!! You can't win! I would like a mutt the next time they seem to have less health issues!