Hearing Aids...

*smiles* Hard work is what we specialize in...
*smiles* Hard work is what we specialize in...

Well, for me it gets on my nerves sometimes, because everyones in the caf, enjoying their lives, and playing foosball, pool, or arcade games, and here is Kashveera sweating her life away trying to understand University!!

Most people think of buying a second hand car when they start earning, I want to buy a pair of HA's, so certainly, thats my investment, and trust me, a good one!!


I had the same thoughts last year. I was :pissed: since I couldn't spend most of my money. You're not alone :hug:

hope you can get your new aids soon :)
I had the same thoughts last year. I was :pissed: since I couldn't spend most of my money. You're not alone :hug:

hope you can get your new aids soon :)

Hey thanks so much!! I am literally counting every cent!!

But its gonna help me at the end, and I think thats what is important!


I really wished I had ways to help cover the cost of my hearing aids.....
that's really cool for anyone who can get financial assistance for their HA's/CI's. I had to dip a cool freaking 5800$ into my savings to purchase my hearing aids last month. That being said, it was the best 5800 I've ever spent.
My model I bought was oticon synchro p....I got clear the clear kind and everyone seems to like them.
Prior to my CI, I too was looking at getting a new HA which probably would have been a digital. I had worn analogs all of my life and I about fell over seeing what the prices (at least $1,500) were for these new-fangled digitals. For years, I paid about $400 for an analog and it slowly creeped up to $750 which was the last time I paid for one (er...back in early nineties).

While I can understand the complexities in making these things...what is wrong with making plain vanilla analogs/digitals that people can afford? This would be especially nice since insurance is generally not helpful in paying for any of it. All I can say is that those who rely on HAs are a captive market and the HA companies charge up the whazoo for 'em. :(

We saved up about $2,000 for a HA anticipating getting one but went the CI route instead. What is really funny is that the $2,000 we saved went to the deductable which was slightly less than $2,000!!! We we ever thankful for that! *Sigh* Just having a CI doesn't get me off the hook those in regards to high prices for assessories and upgrades. No matter whether using HAs or CIs it seems one is forever stuck with "sticker shock"...:pissed:
No its not fair, I can't believe how much they are. I don't wear them myself. But my wife has one & just got the CI. That costs way more.. I got the 1st bill for that & it was $67,797 & insurance paid all of it but $997

Hi guys...

I buy my own hearing aids, and I am a student, just a query, why is it so expensive to buy hearing aids, I am still suck with analog hearing aids, when we are now a digital world, simply because I battle to be able to buy hearing aids, I personally, don't think thats fair!!

Waiting for your views!!

..... No matter whether using HAs or CIs it seems one is forever stuck with "sticker shock"...:pissed:

Same here !
Do we have to be a 'victim' or 'addict' of electronic instruments industry just because we're hearing impaired ? :(
Same here !
Do we have to be a 'victim' or 'addict' of electronic instruments industry just because we're hearing impaired ? :(

Oh, I don't know. It used to be a simple business where one was satisfied with "good enough". Now, it has become important to everybody to get the best and along with that comes a price. The flip side is "what price good hearing?" Given what I get from my CI, I don't mind the price too much.
Yeah, but I don't mind the price because of the quality of improvements that we experience...

I think my problem would be getting those funds, which is hard for me, as I am a sutdent!!

I think thats where the price becomes a bit unfair!!

And there's the matter of insurance... I've had enough trouble with those guys to last me a lifetime.
And there's the matter of insurance... I've had enough trouble with those guys to last me a lifetime.

Hey, you just read my mind...I was gonna come back and edit my post, but you just said it!!

Like minds(people) think alike!!

Hey, you just read my mind...I was gonna come back and edit my post, but you just said it!!

Like minds(people) think alike!!


:ty: I mean...what are the insurance people thinking? But there is an illogic to their field--they charge you for covering you, but if you ever need them, they charge you more...

And I say this with five of my relatives in the field.
:ty: I mean...what are the insurance people thinking? But there is an illogic to their field--they charge you for covering you, but if you ever need them, they charge you more...

And I say this with five of my relatives in the field.

Oh thats true, they want excess for ever, and the problem is we pay them so much and what they pay us back, is almost worthless, I always have problems with them, not only with hearing aids, but also car insurance...lets not go there!!

I LOVE MY HEARING AIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *grabs them and gives them a hug*