Hearing Aids Mess My Hair- Suggestions?


Feb 21, 2012
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Hi All :)

When I have my (long) hair in a pony tail or braid, through the day my HA's mess up the hair around them. When I was a kid, I used to use little clips to hold those hairs down, but they damage and tear my hair over time. Normally, I wear my hair down, but now I have a job where I need a ponytail.

Any ideas on how to minimize the mess?

Thanks in advance!
I am sorry that i didnt get it. The pony or braided hair should stays in without touching the HA? :confused: take a picture of it to give me some idea. i have a long hair and didnt mess up my HA.. eh
Hairspray... and lots of it... lol! That's what I do. =P hehehe

Good idea :) This may end up being my solution. I don't like hairspray, because at the end of the work day when I let my hair down, it is hairsprayed in an odd shape, but I may just have to get over that.

Get a haircut or shave your head

Short hair would have to be pulled back and have the same problems :/
Unfortunately, a shaved head would be considered unprofessional at my job, and my husband would not like it either.

I am sorry that i didnt get it. The pony or braided hair should stays in without touching the HA? :confused: take a picture of it to give me some idea. i have a long hair and didnt mess up my HA.. eh

You're hair might be nicer than mine. Mine always gets messed up. :) If I think to, I'll take a picture.

Thanks for the thoughts!
I personally don't like short hair on women... so that's a no go for me. =P Hairspray or a gel works. Yeah, it makes your hair weird when you let it down, but that's what showers are for. =) I find the brand Aussie is nice. ( It's in a purple bottle ) It smells good, and doesn't leave that super hard shell like most hairsprays do. Plus they don't test on animals. =D
Really? Your HAs mess up your hair? Sorry, unless you make some crazy moves, just can't see it. I wear a CI and have no trouble with it affecting my hair...
Really? Your HAs mess up your hair? Sorry, unless you make some crazy moves, just can't see it. I wear a CI and have no trouble with it affecting my hair...

The only thing I can think of is if you can set yours and forget it; but that the OP is forever having to change settings on the aid itself rather than having a remote available if settings can't be left alone.
just take a close up picture of your hair, without your face if you prefer not to show your face. it helps me to understand better about your hair. My hair is sometimes out of control due to bad frizzy but I am not letting someone to cut off my long hair hell no! lol maybe in a few years eh
I have a long hair, and had never had any issues with my hearing aids. Unless you mean when you put hearing aids on, you notice a few strings stuck under ear molds, and yank it out? I get that sometimes, but it doesn't bother me. I just push my hair back, so I put it on. I always thought glasses are far worse than hearing aids. *sighs*

I always use hairspray first before putting my hearing aids on. Hairspray is not good for hearing aids.
Cut it off! Haha jk

My best friend is a hairdresser, so she controls my hair :) this upcoming October she's giving me a side cut for my November 1st CI surgery... To make the shave they have to do look intentional to grow back. I had one before behind my HA ear and loved it... It was longer, like a pixie hair cut behind that ear.

It's not everyone's style. I also really love the headbands with "glue" on the opposite side. Lululemon makes really pretty ones. They are adjustable and stay put. They work better than many others I've tried but they sell non-adjustable or non-stick headbands that look the same much cheaper online or at craft stores. I don't have a problem with my hair getting messed up (it's always a little wild anyway) but I do use these or braiding and pinning because I'm a newer HA user and I don't like feeling like I have that much to tuck behind my ear :)
I have long hair too. When I need or want to wear my hair off my face, I twist it and put it in one of those large claw clips. It does get a little messy when I remove my CI but by then I am usually done for the day. Maybe you can braid your hair down both sides then pull up with a clip?
Really? Your HAs mess up your hair? Sorry, unless you make some crazy moves, just can't see it. I wear a CI and have no trouble with it affecting my hair...

I had long hair and wore it in one or two braids and my HA did not mess up my hair and I had very fine but it was thick .
Hi All :)

When I have my (long) hair in a pony tail or braid, through the day my HA's mess up the hair around them. When I was a kid, I used to use little clips to hold those hairs down, but they damage and tear my hair over time. Normally, I wear my hair down, but now I have a job where I need a ponytail.

Any ideas on how to minimize the mess?

Thanks in advance!

I've never had this happen myself and I wore pony tails as a child too. In fact, when I was little, I wore the big, huge hearing aids. You'd think they'd catch something but no....maybe you need to find a good hair stylist?

Nawww, I know exactly what she's talking about. Some of us are just cursed with little baby fly aways that are accented by adjusting a H.A. I know that I don't wear mine unless I have to, so I have to put them in and take them out all the time. So when I do that, it causes your hair to mess up. Also, adjusting the volume is a hassle too. >.<
Maybe a trip to a good stylist is in order. She/he can help you experiment with creative styles or offer suggestions for specific products (such as styling gels).
I had that grief for a while. Long hair and hearing aids. I dread locked my hair. Didn't matter if it got "messed up". LOL My hearing completely went though and the hearing aids quit working for me, but I still have my dreadies. Love 'em. :)
Do you know if this is the only thing you have to worry about you should consider yourself lucky !

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