I wear two hearing aids for Severe Sensorineural Hearing Loss (Siemens Reflex DP) and I really cannot hear at all with them in. I cannot follow a conversation if there are background noises, such as the TV or radio and when I am at work - buzzers go off and emergency ones which is very important, I missed so many of them and have been brought up by my manager because of it. I have not told her I am hard of hearing so it is my fault, and I have told her I am getting my hearing tested but I have been HoH for 11 years, and even before that (because I was diagnosed at 10 years of age). Hearing aids are not helping with amplification of sounds and conversations are so hard to follow, I feel depressed with wearing them than I do without, and my audiologist is not very helpful either
Is this normal for others - how 'good' is your hearing with hearing aids?