Hearing Aids and dizziness


New Member
Dec 30, 2004
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I have had my new HA"s for 2 days now and I notice I'm getting headaches and feeling a bit dizzy occasionally. I'm just getting over a nasty ear infection. So did anyone else experience dizziness or headaches with HA's I'm thinking part of it might be all the new sounds I'm hearing and stuff.

And why does my HA whistle when I hold the phone too close to my ear?
I know some people get headaches when they wear the aids....as for the dizziness, that's probaly more connectted to the ear infections. I get that way sometimes too. (along with poor balance)
It's probably cuz you're not used to having new hearing aids. If that's the case, you'll get over it soon. It's like getting a brand new video game console. Once you get it, the controls are awkward. After playing a few games for a few hours, you get used to it. ;)
aikifrodogrrl said:

I have had my new HA"s for 2 days now and I notice I'm getting headaches and feeling a bit dizzy occasionally. I'm just getting over a nasty ear infection. So did anyone else experience dizziness or headaches with HA's I'm thinking part of it might be all the new sounds I'm hearing and stuff.

And why does my HA whistle when I hold the phone too close to my ear?

Yes it is common when someone is not used to sounds. It causes headaches and dizziness. It will go away after a while. Just make sure that you dont force yourself to wear it 12 hours a day but start out slowly with 2 or 3 hours and build up from there.

When you press against the phone, your mold will send out feedback. That is called feedback. When I had HAs, everytime I laughed, it caused feedback and I hated it as I laugh a lot and people called me Hynea cos of feedback sounds.
Is it only when you wear the hearing aids? I had a problem a while ago with dizziness and headaches, similiar to an ear infection, but it turned out that the high pitched sounds were turned up too high so although I couldn't hear it, my hearing aid picked up on it, and caused all those problems.
aikifrodogrrl said:

I have had my new HA"s for 2 days now and I notice I'm getting headaches and feeling a bit dizzy occasionally. I'm just getting over a nasty ear infection. So did anyone else experience dizziness or headaches with HA's I'm thinking part of it might be all the new sounds I'm hearing and stuff.

And why does my HA whistle when I hold the phone too close to my ear?

Go back to your audiologist and discuss about your problems. She or He will Adjust for Tone back of hearing aid and have check Mold to make sure it is fit which not too tight or hurt. I think your hearing aid was too high volume to hurt your ear inside like dizzy, blow air like wave inside of ear, headache, or else. You know that hearing aid have 3 of them Off, T, On. mostly people use T for Phone to speak. Also, let your aduiologist that you are often or sometime use Phone to speak and they will help you to change tone better.
Good Luck!