Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants Not Allowed!

I am happy to hear about that. Surely, I done with sign with Petition. No problem. I agree with you. They have to right to whatever they want to wear hearing aids. Me too whatever what I want to play game, baseball, football, Golf or etc something I want. It is not important the rule. They was wrong. Do whatever you want to. I pray that God willing to take care of you. God understand what you want to play Golf! Have fun!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I wonder do you know when it will going to be court? I think Laura have to right! I believe it true! I believe Laura will be win against the case the rule have to right whatever she want!

all golfers have not thinking about signing the certain form that every events that bans heaing aids and cohlear implants to be signed that they are at their own risks,, not the events itself....

Every one should stop and think about a form for all HAs and CI'ers to be signed that is their own responsitlity not the events...

All golfers with HA or CI should know about the form so they can sign ...

I totally disagree here and think that hearing aids and especially cochlear implants should NOT be allowed.

Cochlear implants DEFINITELY should not be allowed because the users are so proud of being hearing, yet they still expect to be accepted as deaf? :ugh:
That is obviously an anti-hearing movement. This person has the right to complain.

I have my rights to complain that I am so sick of having a hearing mentality all the time from audist attitude people when we are actually d/Deaf people if you mind. So therefore this is obivously an anti d/Deaf movement. Scoffs!

Thank you! ;)
The difference is, jewelry is for appearance; HA and CI are for function, like eye glasses, contacts, and knee braces.

It doesnt require to have HA or CI in sports anyway because it s too much annoying noise that you wont be able to pay attention anything. It doesnt make any sense to have devices into sports. It s more safety not to have any objections into sports anyway. Eye glasses has a safety glasses that is allowed. Thats the rules. So be it!

Also, Players are not allowed to have anything like jewelry, chewing the gums, any devices that u can play. Why bother to bicker about devices. Jeez! You are d/Deaf. Period! If you dont like then go to Hearing Olypmics then be my guest. Why must destroy our true d/Deaf people s abilities?

Dont you proud of yourself being deaf? That shows our Deaf abiliites without having any devices. We d/Deaf people have the right to show who we are that helps hearing people to see the positive outlooks that needs to be heard. So be it!

Thank you! ;)
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That makes logical sense. However, I think Lauren's complaint is that she didn't have the choice. The organization forced her to remove her HA. It was your decision and choice to take off your HA while playing sports. I think that is the difference in situations.

No it doesnt make any logical sense to me anymore since we DID not have any choices since we were kids.. So Parents forced us to wear devices even though we couldnt hear everything. Many d/Deaf people have their rights not to wear it after all we went through all that abusive attitude by them. Sighs! It s no difference here.

Also, I like to add:
Well, if you have 45 db or under with your device so you are not allowed to be in Deaf school.. Thats the hearing policy! It s the same concept that they are not deaf as they think. And also forced Deaf children into mainstream with over 70 db up to 100 db. they are actually d/Deaf. ...So what is your point ?

This is very nonsesne for her to complain. Everything has to be hearing s way. Scoffs!

Thank you! ;)
gnulinuxman said:
I totally disagree here and think that hearing aids and especially cochlear implants should NOT be allowed.

Cochlear implants DEFINITELY should not be allowed because the users are so proud of being hearing, yet they still expect to be accepted as deaf? :ugh:

Yes I definitely agreed, and refused to sign the petition at all.
gnulinuxman said:
I totally disagree here and think that hearing aids and especially cochlear implants should NOT be allowed.

Cochlear implants DEFINITELY should not be allowed because the users are so proud of being hearing, yet they still expect to be accepted as deaf? :ugh:

We have our own choices. If I had cochlear damage instead of auditory damage, I would've gone for cochlear implant. I do support deaf culture, in that instance, my auditory damage prevent cure of any kind, I belong to deaf culture. Cochlear Implant allows us to adapt to our everyday living i.e. communication at workplace, allowing us to accomplish our job duties and things like that, it is a good privilege for us to struggle for the best in our lives.
LinuxGold said:
We have our own choices. If I had cochlear damage instead of auditory damage, I would've gone for cochlear implant. I do support deaf culture, in that instance, my auditory damage prevent cure of any kind, I belong to deaf culture. Cochlear Implant allows us to adapt to our everyday living i.e. communication at workplace, allowing us to accomplish our job duties and things like that, it is a good privilege for us to struggle for the best in our lives.
Cochlear implants aren't what bothers me. I've noticed that SOME implantees have a high-and-mighty double-standard. I am so sick of it among SOME of those with CI's. They constantly brag about how good it is to hear, and then whine when it's convenient to do so, especially when they don't know any sign language, have no intention to learn any because they "don't need it", and they STILL expect the Deaf community to accept them.

Not all have it, but it is one reason that some culturally Deaf people have problems with implanting children. The disrespect is mutual, so it isn't just either side. It's both.
SxyPorkie: the last post before yours was in January of 2005. Could you stop necroposting? It's generally considered bad form.
It doesnt require to have HA or CI in sports anyway because it s too much annoying noise that you wont be able to pay attention anything.

What the bleep are you talking about noises being distracting? No it's not! No? You don't think people need to hear whistles for penalties, etc.? I know of a young boy who had a CI and it helps him improve in football from the whistling. Don't be so ignorant and say a bunch of nonsense to satisfy your world. I never allowed sports to remove my HA's growing up. Noise did not distract me. The problem was not being able to hear whistles and feeling like an idiot not knowing when to stop because of the whistles. A CI is no difference whatsoever. A hearing person has the same risk as someone with HA or CI. Don't be so ignorant. You have a bunch of babbling comments to satisfy your Deaf world. I am sick of people making nonsense comments like this. It's obvious and you're not going to confuse anyone.
ClearSky said:
What the bleep are you talking about noises being distracting? No it's not! No? You don't think people need to hear whistles for penalties, etc.? I know of a young boy who had a CI and it helps him improve in football from the whistling. Don't be so ignorant and say a bunch of nonsense to satisfy your world. I never allowed sports to remove my HA's growing up. Noise did not distract me. The problem was not being able to hear whistles and feeling like an idiot not knowing when to stop because of the whistles. A CI is no difference whatsoever. A hearing person has the same risk as someone with HA or CI. Don't be so ignorant. You have a bunch of babbling comments to satisfy your Deaf world. I am sick of people making nonsense comments like this. It's obvious and you're not going to confuse anyone.

To continue with this line of thought of which I agree, noises are not distracting except when you allow them to be intrusive. Depends on what you are trying to focus on. If one is not focusing on hearing "per se" except maybe a whistle or buzzer or similar, then you really can ignore extraneous noises. It is no different when you don't bother with certain visual elements while watching something. Same difference as the brain has a marvelous ability to "tune out" unnecessary information. Bottomline for anybody who thinks noises are too distracting when doing activities such as sports doesn't have a clue about what they are talking about.
We have our own choices. If I had cochlear damage instead of auditory damage, I would've gone for cochlear implant. I do support deaf culture, in that instance, my auditory damage prevent cure of any kind, I belong to deaf culture. Cochlear Implant allows us to adapt to our everyday living i.e. communication at workplace, allowing us to accomplish our job duties and things like that, it is a good privilege for us to struggle for the best in our lives.

My question is Are you trying to tell me that we must have devices to be capable to play in sports? I can do it without devices. Thats our Deaf adapation every day of our lives that relates to workplace, allowing us to accomplish our job duties, and things like that, it s a good privilege for us to struggle for the best in our lives,too. I feel that something is not right here so I had to say my part. Is it our fault that there is a barrier between deaf and hearing everyday of our lives?

It s not a good idea to depend on those technology devices because it s not who we are. Also, it s not healthy without eye contact or human contact. It seems to me that shows that we d/Deaf people are so helpless and more disabled. .Thats how Hearing people view our deafness with a very audist attitude who looked at you and many others. I aint gonna to do this for their sakes.. It s me , who I am, and the whole of me as a Deaf person that people couldnt handle. It doesnt make any sense to spend all the money to make hearing people happy first before you and yourself and ourselves.. Scoffs! Dont force me and d/Deaf people to do their hearing ways because they are not in d/Deaf 's shoes. Period!

It is Deaf children s own lives that they need to adapt their own Deaf ways not hearing ways. It is our soul, mind and body that should belong to individuals not anybody else. Thats what it ticks me off for not able do this for ourselves first. Thats very selfish / unthoughtful/ greedy/ manipulative/ forceful/ conforming that we are getting too many mixed messages that makes more conflict problems. For pete s sake! it s too much mixed messages going on that we are battling with deaf and hearing people with audist attitude that is not necessary. We have the right for who we are by being deaf.

Where is Deaf Human? sighs!

Thank you! ;)

PS : objections that I mistyped. It should be objects. Thanks!
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Personally, I think that this has been blown up out of all proportion. I mean you don't need to hear to play sports. Plus I mean I thought that in Deaf sports most of the auditory signals are replaced with visual signals.
The person complaining sounds like those "oh boohoohoo" types who think that ci'd kids miss out on sound going down a slide without their processor on.
Well, if you have 45 db or under with your device so you are not allowed to be in Deaf school.. Thats the hearing policy! It s the same concept that they are not deaf as they think
Sweetmind, Deaf school policies are changing. I know of a little kid with UNILATERAL loss who is going to a school for the deaf....there are also hearing kids who use Sign as a primary language due to things like apraxia or tracheostomies!
deafdyke said:
Personally, I think that this has been blown up out of all proportion. I mean you don't need to hear to play sports. Plus I mean I thought that in Deaf sports most of the auditory signals are replaced with visual signals.
The person complaining sounds like those "oh boohoohoo" types who think that ci'd kids miss out on sound going down a slide without their processor on.

Sweetmind, Deaf school policies are changing. I know of a little kid with UNILATERAL loss who is going to a school for the deaf....there are also hearing kids who use Sign as a primary language due to things like apraxia or tracheostomies!

In CSDR, kids that who is 50 dbs or under are not allowed to attend school, also same thing with kids who wear CI are feel like not allowed to attend unless they quit to wear CI. I don't see any students wear CI at CSDR.
OMG - WTF. What are the compelling reasons for this? This is an Audist attitude towards deaf with hearing devices. There is no reason they should do this. I am hearing but I will sign the petition. As a golfer I can't see any reason they would do this. If they don't change the rule then I would suggest not participating anymore and perhaps getting others to do the same. When the membership drops, maybe then they will listen. You gotta send these freakin Bozo's a message. What a bunch if idiots.
I Wonder does wearing a CI or a hearing aid has a lot to do being in Special Education schools instead in regular elementry and high school?
gnulinuxman said:
I totally disagree here and think that hearing aids and especially cochlear implants should NOT be allowed. Cochlear implants DEFINITELY should not be allowed because the users are so proud of being hearing, yet they still expect to be accepted as deaf? :ugh:
There you go again speaking for everyone. I am positive that not ALL CI users are like this. Maybe it's just a matter of the words you choose. You my friend are starting to sound like an Audist.