Hearing aid sound difference


Active Member
Nov 22, 2008
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The has been quite a bit of discussion of what ci's sound like. I was wondering what people think their ha's sound like?
With my new hearing aids right now, I'm experiencing amplification where I don't need it. So my experience has been LOUD. Papers rustling are loud to me now. Sounds are crisper. Doors slamming, drawers shutting are sometimes painful to me. I don't like how I can sense the hearing aids working (switching programs). At times, I feel like my ears are plugged up.

I'm due to have them adjusted next week. At this point, I wear them when I have to, and the rest of the time I retreat back to my quieter HA-free world.
With my new hearing aids right now, I'm experiencing amplification where I don't need it. So my experience has been LOUD. Papers rustling are loud to me now. Sounds are crisper. Doors slamming, drawers shutting are sometimes painful to me. I don't like how I can sense the hearing aids working (switching programs). At times, I feel like my ears are plugged up.

I'm due to have them adjusted next week. At this point, I wear them when I have to, and the rest of the time I retreat back to my quieter HA-free world.

Sounds like you need to reduce the volume overall. It can be adjusted easily. Plus, if you haven't wore hearing aids in a while, it takes a while for your ears to get used to it because they didn't have that much stimulation and now with the extra sounds it's like the nerve cells are "awake" now. :)
The has been quite a bit of discussion of what ci's sound like. I was wondering what people think their ha's sound like?

You want to know what my HA's sound like?

CRAP. That's exactly what it sounds like.

My HAs were one of the top of the line, and it did not give me any clarity or crispiness that I needed. I was pretty good at hearing the lows, but the highs I wasn't getting much of anything.
i agree with lady. i had top of the line digital oticon hearing aids (digifocus II super power bte's) but they didn't help me understand speech in the least. neither did my analog aids (oticon 380p). the sound of my ci's is 1,000 times better than any hearing aid i've had -- even when my hearing loss was moderately-severe.
Hear Again - What about your own voice? Has it changed since getting your CIs?
Hear Again - What about your own voice? Has it changed since getting your CIs?

yes, it has. prior to receiving my ci's, my speech was slurred, monotonous and i had a tendency to speak very loud because i couldn't hear myself well enough to regulate my own voice. one of my sisters also said that before i received my ci's, you could tell that i sounded like i was severely deaf. i don't know exactly what she meant, but she said that once i received my ci's, my speech was much, much clearer. several people i work with at my university also said that my voice suddenly had lilt/emotion in it whereas before it didn't. my voice now no longer sounds monotonous and i'm easily able to speak at a normal volume without shouting. :D

when i couldn't wear my ci's for 2 days due to dizziness, i was absolutely miserable. i couldn't stand the silence and thought i was going to go crazy. worse yet, one of those days was on obama's inauguration. needless to say, i was *so* glad when my ci audi was able to tweak my maps so that i could hear once again -- not to mention hear better than i have in 4 years! :D
My HA's sound great, I am sorry everyone else isn't getting what they want out of theirs. Mine are top of the line Starkeys. But like any digital aid it takes awhile to get it to sound exactly how you want it to.n When I first got them I had the same problem Sond was having. Everything was hurting my head, new sounds I hadn't heard in so long. Doors slamming killed me, running water. But after a couple visits to the audi for tweeks and such all is okay. I hear speech better and more clear, I hear music without having to turn it wayyy up and I can watch TV without making my roomie mad for having it so loud lol...
My HA's sound great, I am sorry everyone else isn't getting what they want out of theirs. Mine are top of the line Starkeys. But like any digital aid it takes awhile to get it to sound exactly how you want it to.n When I first got them I had the same problem Sond was having. Everything was hurting my head, new sounds I hadn't heard in so long. Doors slamming killed me, running water. But after a couple visits to the audi for tweeks and such all is okay. I hear speech better and more clear, I hear music without having to turn it wayyy up and I can watch TV without making my roomie mad for having it so loud lol...

Can I assume you are not prelingually profoundly deaf?
That is why hearing aids work for you!

Yes, but I wasn't aware that was the issue or question being asked. Why they do or do not work? The original question was what they sound like? I am well aware why hearing aids to not work for some people and I wasn't referring to everyone in the thread, it was a mere statement. I was answering the Ops question and I was commenting on another persons post?
Yes, but I wasn't aware that was the issue or question being asked. Why they do or do not work? The original question was what they sound like? I am well aware why hearing aids to not work for some people and I wasn't referring to everyone in the thread, it was a mere statement. I was answering the Ops question and I was commenting on another persons post?

It's funny, because even when my daughter had a moderatly-severe loss, she didn't hear as well with her aids as she does now with her CI. Isn't that weird!
With my new hearing aids right now, I'm experiencing amplification where I don't need it. So my experience has been LOUD. Papers rustling are loud to me now. Sounds are crisper. Doors slamming, drawers shutting are sometimes painful to me. I don't like how I can sense the hearing aids working (switching programs). At times, I feel like my ears are plugged up.

I'm due to have them adjusted next week. At this point, I wear them when I have to, and the rest of the time I retreat back to my quieter HA-free world.

Digital or analog??
Digital or analog??

They're digital. I've worn digital hearing aids for the last 6 or 7 years, so I'm not new to digital hearing aids. I have a feeling it's my audiologist not being that experienced with the brand. I'll find out on Wednesday when I get them readjusted. If it doesn't go well I'm going to request a different audiologist.
I jus joined this group and i am haveing the same problem that you are with your hearing aids should i go back to the btes?: i am also a nurse and i am gay as well! we make the best nurses. you can email me with any ideas you have, johnny52265@yahoo.com
@johnbush, you should go back to the BTEs since they should be powerful enough for your hearing loss
I have worn BTEs all my life and it's great :)