Hearing Aid Problem, Help!!


Apr 7, 2016
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hello i bought hearing aid, dunno name, its placed behind ear, i am not completely deaf but HoH.
so problem is that when i put on aid, i can hear well, when i remove it i gets completely deaf, i mean i can't hear anything for like 5-6 minutes after i remove it, then slowly i can start hearing sounds.......... is it problem with hearing aid or smth else?? its getting annoying, i am loosing my hearing slowly...
before i bought this device, i could hear rining cellphone, doorbell sounds now i can't even hear that, i went to doctor they said haring aid's fine......
so what do you thinks is it problem with hearing aid or smth else? cuz i am getting completely deaf with this aid :(
Most likely, your brain is getting used to hearing well, and no longer has to work hard to process what you hear unaided. No reason to worry.

You are becoming aware of how much loss you have, through the contrast of aided/unaided.
I'm always deafest right after I remove my hearing aids at the end of the day because of the stark contrast between hearing well and not hearing well. I have severe-to-profound hearing loss.
It's like with looking into a bright light - for a short time you can see anything, then slowly your sight gets back to normal.

Hi Qaiser, You don't need to worry about this. It's a normal thing and we can't blame your HA's for this. LOL :D Even though, if you have any un-comfortability or issues regarding your HA's then it's better to get guidance from your hearing aid specialist. You should also be aware of the brand, type, and quality of your HA's. It will help you in the future maintenance of your device. I had selected my hearing aid (completely in canal type) with the help of my audiologist Nu-life hearing centre in Bowmanville so that I got the suitable one. An expert guide will always help :)

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