hearing aid molds

I'm with you on the crappy audi thing. My audi hasn't been an audi that long either and he is just very daft. I'll ask him a question and I get "um, uh, well, uh, hmm..." this happens a lot too..Like if you don't know don't try to make up an answer! I don't get why people just cannot say "I am not sure, but I will find out for you". I went on a hunt for a new audi and I think I *may* have found one. My original 1st appt with her was spose to be on Dec. 11 but they called today and asked if they could re-book and I told them I have exams all next week so she was like well how about tomorrow!? And It just so happens that 2morrow was perfect at 10:30 since I have a break from 10-2 from classes. The secretary was MORE than helpful. She told me she would contact phonak and see if I could still trade in my phonak UNA for an exelia even though I didn't purchase it at their centre and the must have a great relationship with Phonak (all their incoming products waiting to be picked up on the shelves were n phonak boxes!!) cuz phonak is willing to do a full refund of my UNA for the exelias so I am getting one exelia for 1700 and the other for the full price plus one new ear mold which is GREAT! She also had to write down the serial # on my ha and she didn't speak to me at all until she gave back my ha and I put it back in! I thought that was nice and refreshing to see someone actually care! (speaking of! they just called to remind me of my appt 2morrow!) I am really hoping i like the audi! Wish me luck!

I hope you have better experiences..if not i'd switch..it's not good to have someone tht doesn't really care about your loss...Mine is mild-moderate right now but it's progressive as well and I couldn't stand having an audi that is only so-so caring about my ears. I also lost more hearing in my left and I didn't need an ha on that ear before and now I do and my audi never even said anything about getting one he just said "ya u lost more hearing in your left..and ur speech discrim went down as well...well have a great rest of morning and afternoon..." like wtf?...Audis need to be more considerate..if yours isn't can him/ her and go to another!
i hate those hearing tests too lol...i am listening so hard for those really soft beeps...and you do get a headache afterward! my audi said the same thing..."you have to focus and raise your hand even if it's soft!" whereas half the time i'm waiting for her to start the test still or there are long pauses in between beeps...obviously not going to raise my hand if i don't hear anything!?
i just had the "introduction meeting" with my counselor two weeks ago...i go weds...we'll see what happens i suppose. i'm a bit nervous about the entire thing.
there's a beltone provider down the road...i may just stop in to see if they provide ear molds and just do that through them and then say peace out to all audis for a long time...

what your audi is doing was unfair. (i.e. long pauses between beeps) that's exactly what the know-it-all audi did to me. he also told me to "concentrate and raise my hand even if the beep is soft." i felt like saying, "excuse me? you're not inside my head, so how do YOU know what i hear?"

try not to worry about your counseling sessions. i know it's scary at first (i know i'm always nervous before meeting a new tdoc or pdoc), but it might help if you write some of the things you want to talk about down and give it to him/her. that way you won't forget anything due to nervousness and since you express yourself very well in writing, you may be able to get your feelings across better than you can orally.
do you have any suggestions for finding a new GOOD audi...especially since i just got a set of aids?

if you have any hoh friends who wear aids, i'd ask them for recommendations. otherwise ask a local center for the deaf and hard of hearing. they may be able to provide you with several names of reputable audis.
what your audi is doing was unfair. (i.e. long pauses between beeps) that's exactly what the know-it-all audi did to me. he also told me to "concentrate and raise my hand even if the beep is soft." i felt like saying, "excuse me? you're not inside my head, so how do YOU know what i hear?"

try not to worry about your counseling sessions. i know it's scary at first (i know i'm always nervous before meeting a new tdoc or pdoc), but it might help if you write some of the things you want to talk about down and give it to him/her. that way you won't forget anything due to nervousness and since you express yourself very well in writing, you may be able to get your feelings across better than you can orally.

i guess because of the way she tested me too i was rather inconsistent (i'll admit...sometimes i'd raise my hand even if i didn't know if i heard a beep or not) but when she said that i was like...whatever you had no idea obviously-i don't see a set of aids in you!
do you have any suggestions for finding a new GOOD audi...especially since i just got a set of aids?

I googled in my area and found a few centres/clinics. CHS, which is the canadian hearing society were really nice but they charge $60 for each hearing test! Which I thought was ridiculous. They're service plan was 150 while mine was like 50 even i believe..and I just didn't want to be paying that much extra, esp since I cannot afford it. I called around tho and visited the websites of a few. The one that I will hopefully like (i am going 2morrow) has an ENT on site as well as Onsite Ear, Nose, and Throat physician
Affiliations with several local Ear, Nose and Throat physicians
Ototoxic Monitoring protocol
Cerumen management (wax removal). Foreign body removal.
Comprehensive balance assessments utilizing video electronystagmography and VEMP testing (Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential) to measure saccular and descending vestibular spinal system function.
Comprehensive hearing aid cleaning and electroacoustic analysis to ensure a hearing aid is working in accordance with manufacturers' specifications.
Comprehensive hearing assessments featuring state of the art testing equipment exclusive to our clinic.
Otoacoustic emissions to assess outer hair cell dysfunction in the cochlea (a predictor of hearing loss)
Electrocochleography for Meniere's disease or endolymphatic hydrops
Auditory Brainstem Response testing to assess for retrocochlear pathology: acoustic and vestibular nerve tumours
Auditory Steady State Response evaluations as an objective hearing measure
Comprehensive Central Auditory Processing evaluations to investigate beyond the peripheral hearing system
Tinnitus evaluations and Tinnitus habituation therapy
Real Ear Measurements and speech mapping to ensure hearing aid(s) are providing appropriate gain

They also have counseling as well as aural rehab and they sell a lot of accessories and such for the hoh and Ddeaf. I am not sure if that should be the norm at a clinic/centre but my old audi sure didn't have half of those services!
I googled in my area and found a few centres/clinics. CHS, which is the canadian hearing society were really nice but they charge $60 for each hearing test! Which I thought was ridiculous. They're service plan was 150 while mine was like 50 even i believe..and I just didn't want to be paying that much extra, esp since I cannot afford it. I called around tho and visited the websites of a few. The one that I will hopefully like (i am going 2morrow) has an ENT on site as well as Onsite Ear, Nose, and Throat physician
Affiliations with several local Ear, Nose and Throat physicians
Ototoxic Monitoring protocol
Cerumen management (wax removal). Foreign body removal.
Comprehensive balance assessments utilizing video electronystagmography and VEMP testing (Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential) to measure saccular and descending vestibular spinal system function.
Comprehensive hearing aid cleaning and electroacoustic analysis to ensure a hearing aid is working in accordance with manufacturers' specifications.
Comprehensive hearing assessments featuring state of the art testing equipment exclusive to our clinic.
Otoacoustic emissions to assess outer hair cell dysfunction in the cochlea (a predictor of hearing loss)
Electrocochleography for Meniere's disease or endolymphatic hydrops
Auditory Brainstem Response testing to assess for retrocochlear pathology: acoustic and vestibular nerve tumours
Auditory Steady State Response evaluations as an objective hearing measure
Comprehensive Central Auditory Processing evaluations to investigate beyond the peripheral hearing system
Tinnitus evaluations and Tinnitus habituation therapy
Real Ear Measurements and speech mapping to ensure hearing aid(s) are providing appropriate gain

They also have counseling as well as aural rehab and they sell a lot of accessories and such for the hoh and Ddeaf. I am not sure if that should be the norm at a clinic/centre but my old audi sure didn't have half of those services!

thank you soooo much! i'm definitely going to look into all of that!
Dealing with the loss of hearing is hard enough without some idiot telling you it's in your head, or all your fault. Dump that audi quick!
Is she tied to a certain brand, like the ones at beltone? or is she truly an audi with access to many brands? Just curious.
Dealing with the loss of hearing is hard enough without some idiot telling you it's in your head, or all your fault. Dump that audi quick!
Is she tied to a certain brand, like the ones at beltone? or is she truly an audi with access to many brands? Just curious.

i know that she supplies starkey, sonic innovation, phonak possibly? i think she had a few brochures from different providers around there...it looks like the big one she tries to push though is starkey (which is why i have these ones...i had asked her if there were any other extra power that would be suited to my loss other than starkey and she said no which i know isn't true)...
As for the tests, yeah..I have had a few of those comments.."press the button if you think you hear it..no matter how soft" and I am thinking..right, in between the tinnitus and my hearing loss-yeah..sure, right..
It took my audi a while to understand that I had so many sounds going on in my head that they often drowned out his beeps, or I couldn't tell the difference.
As for the tests, yeah..I have had a few of those comments.."press the button if you think you hear it..no matter how soft" and I am thinking..right, in between the tinnitus and my hearing loss-yeah..sure, right..
It took my audi a while to understand that I had so many sounds going on in my head that they often drowned out his beeps, or I couldn't tell the difference.

there was once where i was waiting for her to start...so i started looking around the booth and she was like "are you paying attention?!" and i'm like...yeaaaaah i'm waiting for you to start (which i guess she already had i just wasn't hearing anything lol)!
there was once where i was waiting for her to start...so i started looking around the booth and she was like "are you paying attention?!" and i'm like...yeaaaaah i'm waiting for you to start (which i guess she already had i just wasn't hearing anything lol)!
Yup...been there, done that..
Of course I have done the reverse also. Heard a beep, nope..sounds in my head again..
It's always an adventure!
i hate them. that's why if i don't have to go back anytime soon i'm not going to! i'm going to stop into one of the local providers and see if they do just ear molds...
i hate them. that's why if i don't have to go back anytime soon i'm not going to! i'm going to stop into one of the local providers and see if they do just ear molds...

Honestly? You paid for the hearing aids and the earmolds. It is not your fault they aren't right for you. I would go back and demand she replace them as agreed upon before. I know it is a hassle, but honestly, the cost thing is on her end, not yours. Demand better service/treatment. I know even a full earmold can whistle from time to time, mine does if I don't have it adjusted right but that is not the norm.
it's not near what the others were...i couldn't smile or wiggle my ears without them whistling and people were constantly commenting on it. now it happens only once in a while, it's more the fact they're insanely uncomfortable now AND they still whistle a little bit. i just don't want to contribute to her thinking that i'm "doing this for attention" and there will always be a problem...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....
Yup...been there, done that..
Of course I have done the reverse also. Heard a beep, nope..sounds in my head again..
It's always an adventure!

i know what it's like being unable to tell the difference between the beeps in your head and the beeps the audi plays. i had alot of difficulty with this for the first 6-8 months (both ci's) following my activation. if truth be told, i don't think my audiograms at the time were an accurate reflection of what i could hear.
i know what it's like being unable to tell the difference between the beeps in your head and the beeps the audi plays. i had alot of difficulty with this for the first 6-8 months (both ci's) following my activation. if truth be told, i don't think my audiograms at the time were an accurate reflection of what i could hear.

I am sure they weren't. Those tests can't measure distortion or the sounds in your head.
i'm glad to hear that this is common...i actually was starting to try to convince myself that maybe i was "messed up in the head" and this was why she was saying nothing is wrong and i can hear just fine...
i'm glad to hear that this is common...i actually was starting to try to convince myself that maybe i was "messed up in the head" and this was why she was saying nothing is wrong and i can hear just fine...
She is not you. Only you know what you can and can't hear. How dare she act otherwise?
I have really bad tinnitus 24/7 and i find it really hard as well to do audiograms cuz it's hard to know what the tinnitus is and what the beep is!
I have really bad tinnitus 24/7 and i find it really hard as well to do audiograms cuz it's hard to know what the tinnitus is and what the beep is!
I know, I have had it for two years 24/7. I had a little break after my CI surgery, but it is back now, and higher pitched. There are times it actually hurts it is so loud and high pitched.