Hearing aid costs v. CI

Kenai, hope your surgery went well today. And glad about your insurance -- hang in there!
Hey all. Surgery this morning was a trip. The doctor removed 320cc's of blood, blood clots, and infectious crap from the right ear alone. He told me that once he made the incision, the eardrum burst and everything oozed out. Pretty picture, huh :) He used something to clean out the auditory canal for the right ear and did everything possible to give me back my hearing in that ear. From what was profound, the hearing is now at 70-80db loss, which is better than the profound I had yesterday.

The doctor didn't want to touch the left ear and is pumping me full of antibiotics to help clear up some of the infection. He's also worried that I have/had blood clots in the auditory canals and the left ear is so much worse than the right. I have to go in on Wednesday morning next week to have my left ear worked on. I just really want all the pressure relieved so some of the pain goes away, but he told me to be patient...not one of my strong suits :)