Do you understand ENGLISH, woman?
If you want to discuss why and who can be a bullying victim, start another thread on the proper SUBJECT!
Methinks you're qualified for anger management class.

Do you understand ENGLISH, woman?
If you want to discuss why and who can be a bullying victim, start another thread on the proper SUBJECT!
Methinks you're qualified for anger management class.![]()
What about the child's life? that spends hours and hours in therapy...?
Methinks you're qualified for anger management class.
Good diagnosis!
YES, they can due their good willing.
YES, they can... I withnessed in real life because they are my friends... I thought all the time that they are HOH but really is they are DEAF without HA. They can hear background and can speak on the phone
Jillo I remember a comment you made about how my son needs to have older deaf people for social reasons. He does, my daughter has male friends that range from 2 to 5 years older then my son
Methinks you not only do not understand some writting you also need good manners course.
more .. ummm.. kissing,?.. huh Jill...
-oh, but wait, that's right- that's what productive discussing comprise of. my bad.
Could you explain then how they can repeat the sound if they can't hear this sound?
How do you do it?
I am deaf without HA. If your friends are deaf without HA they for sure can not talk on the phone like a normal person.
First of all, you are making an incorrect assumption. Secondly, by "normal" do you mean hearing?
I remeber you writing a day or two or even more about your children signing - your daughter does that better than your son, right?. obviously they have deaf friends.
But this forum has some peculiar trait - it's called selective reading. They only read what they want to see, even something that wasn't there.
You are making a comment on a conversation that jackie and I had, and you are exhibiting a complete lack of comprehension of the progression of that conversation. That is selective reading, fuzzy.
No, no kissing. Simply stating the obvious.
Yes, how do you repeat sound you can't hear?How do you do it?
First of all, you are making an incorrect assumption. Secondly, by "normal" do you mean hearing?
You are making a comment on a conversation that jackie and I had, and you are exhibiting a complete lack of comprehension of the progression of that conversation. That is selective reading, fuzzy.
You aren't stating, you are parroting what someone else already have stated.
Yes, how do you repeat sound you can't hear?
You are right. I don't know their medical history, I don't know if they were born deaf or later deafened. I shouldn't have said that.
On the other hand, I have first hand experience as deaf HoH talking over the phone.
And yes, to me "talking like a normal person" means talking like a hearing person. what else can it be, used in this context?
And no, no matter how well the hearing impaired person is trained in hearing, it is impossible for a deaf or a (deaf with HAs hearing like HoH) to hear like a "normal" person. If they could, they would be "normal".
and since they can not hear like a normal person they can't talk on the phone like a normal person, something close like, yes, but like normal person - no. unless you mean by "talk" - oral speaking.
Of course all that depends also on the lenght, and kind of conversation but we are not disccusing the minute details of this subject, justbthe general idea.
yeah right. whatever.
Cheri, before I start commenting on your replies ANSWER THIS, please:
Do you understand what that means:
Do you understand that there is practically NO POINT in implanting born deaf a child PAST the age of THREE?
I am deaf without HA. If your friends are deaf without HA they for sure can not talk on the phone like a normal person.
Could you explain then how they can repeat the sound if they can't hear this sound?
Whatever the deaf person hears is "normal" for them.
You are attempting to define normality by a set of standards that a deaf person can never reach.
To you, normal may mean hearing, just as many hearing define that as a situation of normality.
But to the congenitally deaf child, the perception of sound certainly isn't perceived as normal.
find it very odd that you keep using these perceptions of normal that you, yourself, as an HOH person, can never actually subsribe to, nor have you ever been able to subscribe to them.
Do you consider everyone that is not fully hearing to be abnormal?
Normal is a very subjective term.
And your experience of talking on the phone is your experience, and therefore normal for you.
However, it in no way relects the experience of every other HOH person, and therefore cannot be used as a standard to describe what is normal.
In addition, hearing does not imply normality, only majority.
Without parent's help/support, they don't know what sound is about until they found out themselves later.
They CAN hear and talk on the phone with HA... Without HA, they can't hear on the phone.
Did you know that toddlers ask the parents many questions like that... what's that, what's this, etc... It's parent's responsible to expose them to know what it's about.. .what is this... It belongs parental's patience and support to feed positive thing into toddler's brain...
Without parent's help, they would not know what bird singing sounds... Just hear yes... but don't know what it is ...
of course. is it the same as what hearing person hear? NO.
I am attempting to define normality according to the subject discussed with Liebling aka "my deaf/HoH friends can talk on the phone like normal people"
hearing as defined by majority is still defined by majority, since the majority is hearing population hence normal hearing is "hearing like hearing person".
Mainly important is they can hear anything.
when did I discussed what perception of sound a deaf child have?
I thought I was discussing something else with Liebling, Machiavelli.I wasn't realized that you pick on and make fuss over that difference sounds... Mainly important is they can hear with HA and can talk like HOH/hearing...really? care to explain what is normal hearing, then? show some graphs what is considered "normal hearing range"?
Sure, but that doesn't mean I can hear like "normal" aka hearing person.
Remember each person is different. You as HA user feel that you don't hear normal but other HA user see different as you and consider it's normal as hearing... Mainly important is can speak and phone like hearing. You think CI is the one who can develop the children to speak and can phone like hearing.
I aks again - how can you repeat sound if you don't hear it?
likewise - how can you describe a color if you can't see it?
Simple answer:
For blind, hearing, deaf, or any disabilty people, without parent's feed into their brain, they would know nothing what the color alike, just smell, feeling and hear shape... but what? what? They need parent's feed into their brain to tell them what it is about... and what's color... what sounds... until they are familiar...
That is what I said.
whatever, let's drop it.
You denied that they speak "normal" like hearing/HOH who wear HA. You would not deny if they wear CI.
Okay, but how do you explain sound without "showing it".
suppose your son ask you "how does the bird sing sounds like ?", and there are no birds to show how.
what would you say?
BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GOT IT AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought we talk about "hear" since you repeated to mention in many posts that "hear" development are important.. SEE IT???????? It's parents who SHOW their children what it is about.... It's parent's job to develop their children's brain, not CI or HA or hearing itself.
Of course I pointed my finger to birds and anything to my children... I thought we talked about "hear" only...
No? you think they would never figure it out eventually?
see the bird. hear the bird. see the bird. hear the bird. see the bird opening its beak and peep peep chirp! is heard. now the bird's beak is closed, and there is no sound..
they would never figure it out?
Again, you ignored my questions for 3 times here and other threads as well... What about hearing people who can't read, writing or speak?
Did you know what literacy is about?
of course. is it the same as what hearing person hear? NO.
I am attempting to define normality according to the subject discussed with Liebling aka "my deaf/HoH friends can talk on the phone like normal people"
hearing as defined by majority is still defined by majority, since the majority is hearing population hence normal hearing is "hearing like hearing person".
when did I discussed what perception of sound a deaf child have?
I thought I was discussing something else with Liebling, Machiavelli.
hey, this whole world is strange.
did I ever said that?
really? care to explain what is normal hearing, then? show some graphs what is considered "normal hearing range"?
Sure, but that doesn't mean I can hear like "normal" aka hearing person.
No, of course not unless you use standards of an average, normal hearing person.
yeah whatever. congrats on the elaborare, Hume.
I aks again - how can you repeat sound if you don't hear it?
likewise - how can you describe a color if you can't see it?
That is what I said.
whatever, let's drop it.
Okay, but how do you explain sound without "showing it".
suppose your son ask you "how does the bird sing sounds like ?", and there are no birds to show how.
what would you say?
No? you think they would never figure it out eventually?
see the bird. hear the bird. see the bird. hear the bird. see the bird opening its beak and peep peep chirp! is heard. now the bird's beak is closed, and there is no sound..
they would never figure it out?
There reaches a point an some discussions whee we must finally admit that it is not a matter of another individual not understanding, or being incapable of understanding, but, quite simply, HAVING NO DESIRE TO UNDERSTAND. *Throwing up hands*
You have the opportunity to actually improve your understanding and your self concept, fuzzy. Evidently, you have no desire to take advantage of that.
Mainly important is they can hear anything.
I wasn't realized that you pick on and make fuss over that difference sounds... Mainly important is they can hear with HA and can talk like HOH/hearing...
Remember each person is different. You as HA user feel that you don't hear normal but other HA user see different as you and consider it's normal as hearing... Mainly important is can speak and phone like hearing. You think CI is the one who can develop the children to speak and can phone like hearing.
You denied that they speak "normal" like hearing/HOH who wear HA. You would not deny if they wear CI.
and what's color...
It's parents who SHOW their children what it is about....
What about hearing people who can't read, writing or speak?
Did you know what literacy is about?
Could you explain then how they can repeat the sound if they can't hear this sound?
I am deaf without HA. If your friends are deaf without HA they for sure can not talk on the phone like a normal person.
I remeber you writing a day or two or even more about your children signing - your daughter does that better than your son, right?. obviously they have deaf friends.
But this forum has some peculiar trait - it's called selective reading. They only read what they want to see, even something that wasn't there.
Don't make me laugh. and please, save that pseudopsychobabble of yours for others, please - as you know, I already have my opinion of you as psychologist established. I am not interested in YOUR advices.
You also were incapable to answer my simple question:
what is "normal hearing"? can you show me the graph of normal hearing range?'' you did anything but that.
it's all here:
Hearing Assessment
If the "X' s" and "O' s" all fall in the -10dB to 15 dB range, your hearing lies in the normal range.
maybe for YOU something else is "normal hearing"
but for me normal hearing is what is described in those standarized tests. and how the average, healthy hearing individual hears.
And this is what I relate to when I describe "hearing like a normal person".
I don't care about your eaborate philosophical theories what"s "normal".
Again, I am simply talking about "normal hearing range". and that's what compare it to.
The way your thesis continued, one would think we eventually, and at some point, are all normal hearing beings - both deaf, HoH and hearing alike. just the level of capability to hear varies.
and I agree.
It wasn't concerning you, Liebling, that was for Jillio.
Look, if your friends can not hear within this range, red and blue XO, even with their HAs:
then they can't hear like "normal people".
Unless for you "normal" means something else, too.
It doesn't matter - HA or CI, although with CI there is greater chance at being close to normal range as shown in graph by red and blue XO.
okay - how do you describe RED to the blind person?
okay, so HOW is the deaf parent going to explain how does the bird sing SOUND like, if the deaf parent never heard the bird?
I would swear I replied.. strange. shrugs. sorry about that.. I did mean to reply. I really believe I did. maybe I mistakenly erased it while doing last corrections. (did you asked me same in some other thread, maybe?)
anyhoo- yes I do,
but what does that have anything to do with being able to hear sound?
you either hear it, or you don't. you may hear it good, or hear barely. that's all.