interesting. I didn't know we can drink raw milk. I thought it would be full of bacteria, etc.
With reasonable care, raw milk is less likely to harbor harmful bacteria than your deli meats, and it's far more healthy than pasteurized milk.
Some info here.
Raw milk has living enzymes and vitamins and other good for you stuff (including, like yogurt, good cultures for digestion). Cooking it kills the good stuff.
Raw milk usually comes from more sustainable, responsible, humane farms as well, so the cows are healthier.
Store-bought milk is also homogenized, which is
seriously bad news for your arteries.
why not? tastes too different?
It does taste different, but everybody I know prefers the taste of raw milk. Once you've had it, the other stuff tastes overcooked, flat, and a little stale.
But people are allergic to milk for different reasons, so some people with dairy allergies still can't handle any milk, raw or otherwise. But quite a few people find their dairy allergy goes away when they drink raw milk, especially milk fed on pasture instead of milk fed on corn (which is most of the milk in the store).
It's not legal in every state. I don't know if it's legal in Canada at all. In my state it's only legal if you own the cow or you buy it for pet consumption, so our jars of milk have a big label that says 'not for human consumption.'
It's not easy to find, either. We live in a rural area, so it was easier for us.
The story behind milk regulations is a long and interesting one. This last year the government spent untold thousands of dollars running a couple of 'sting' operations, complete with armed raids and undercover operations against a couple of amish farmers who didn't do anything but sell raw milk to customers who wanted it. Nobody had gotten sick from their milk. The FDA just didn't want those dangerous Amish guys selling raw milk.
So in addition to the awesome flavor and wonderful health benefits, we get to be subversives, too.