Health Warning for Gallaudet Students

ObeyMe0000 said:
Hello, I'm a Gallaudet student and I know of 2 people who have Hepatitis B. They refuse to tell anyone or to admit it ....
The whole thing is suspicious. If these two people "refuse to tell anyone" then how do you "know" it is true? Did you have access to their medical records, or were you present when they got the diagnosis? If that's the case, then you are probably in violation of HIPPA rules. If you are just being vengeful and making something up, then you open yourself and AD to charges of libel. Either possibility is very bad.
Reba said:
The whole thing is suspicious. If these two people "refuse to tell anyone" then how do you "know" it is true? Did you have access to their medical records, or were you present when they got the diagnosis? If that's the case, then you are probably in violation of HIPPA rules. If you are just being vengeful and making something up, then you open yourself and AD to charges of libel. Either possibility is very bad.

I like to add...

If ObeyMe000 works for the GAlly, she may have violated the Buckley Act.

ObeyMe000, you better watch out if you used the computer that belongs to Gally. The funds come from the federal government...

I wish you a good legitimate journey...
They probably told you but then
you choose to backstab them
Instead of being their friend that
they can confide in.

Reason why they won't tell anyone about their condition, because of ignorant people like you gossiping.

The Bible said it is wrong to gossip,
And you gonna burn in HELL.

If you want friends, then stop gossiping
and let those girls have a good life....
If you have hepatitis or if you were in their shoes, you wouldn't want nobody to hurt you.

One day, you'll get your karma, what come around goes around.

If you be in car accident or maul by dog and have your face disfigure or get HIV or whatever.... You want nobody to be mean to you.
ObeyMe0000 said:
Who the hell edited my post? Now because of this you all have lost my respect for not giving me the freedom of speech. I am never coming back to this www because I've lost my respect for y'all and especially for the one who edited my post :madfawk:

The moderators and owner are the only ones that are allow to edit your post and remove any uncall that was made from you. You should read the AD rules first before creating a thread. Tsk tsk! :nono:
See there, obeyme, you're only been here for a few minutes and nobody like you already.

Is it worth gossiping?

Now you all alone.
Because nobody can't stand gossipers.

So get your act together and stop being a snob.
Freedom of speech applies only in political world, not citizen itself! Pointing at names are NOT appropriately, and that can lead to legal liablity. Have it happened? Hell yes! You go take a cold shower! I hope someday your name will be used against you! See how you would feel!
Your free to leave here for all I care!

ObeyMe0000 said:
Who the hell edited my post? Now because of this you all have lost my respect for not giving me the freedom of speech. I am never coming back to this www because I've lost my respect for y'all and especially for the one who edited my post :madfawk:
hey, AIM me at k80 and tell me who they are. BTW I'm a gallaudet student.
god said:
hey, AIM me at k80 and tell me who they are. BTW I'm a gallaudet student.
No way thats how people get hurt, and Hep B is not all that easy to get a person who has it is likly to be carfull on top of that every kid in this country gett the series of vacsinations to prevent it at like 4th grade these unfourtantete people have ben most likly dealing with this most of their lives cut them some fucking slack. your not going to get it by touching the same fucking door knob no hep C is a nother matter and that would get reported but that people tend to get from resturans that have dirty people, or if you have AIDS.
people with Hepitites tend to be carfull and not want to infect others it is maneged with meds very well (Iwith C you nead a transplant) i hope these 2 peoples names dont get out.
You can't really get herps by handshaking. Herps B only involves gentil (Intercourse) contact. Herps A involves mouth contact (Kissing). I have shaked many people with herps A and B and not even get one.
Educate is very important, BUT spreading using people's name is WRONG!

Another pointer Herps A and B is NOT a life threatening virus. It is just annoying inconvience which involves pain and embarassement. Those people who are affect can live up to full lifespan!

Neo said:
What happen if they touch u like hand shake or share drink without know about herp. So Warn is good idea.

I knew deaf always rumor so quick.
Yeah .... always check the facts... go onto any internet website like or Yahoo Health etc. Do your research and if you still want to object, go before the Gallaudet University board and go through the proper chain of command there.
ObeyMe0000 said:
Who the hell edited my post? Now because of this you all have lost my respect for not giving me the freedom of speech. I am never coming back to this www because I've lost my respect for y'all and especially for the one who edited my post :madfawk:
so long!
Gallaudet need offers immunization program like blue form for enrollment, if not meet to their requirement then can't attend.
ObeyMe0000 said:
Who the hell edited my post? Now because of this you all have lost my respect for not giving me the freedom of speech. I am never coming back to this www because I've lost my respect for y'all and especially for the one who edited my post :madfawk:
Good bye and good riddance. We don't need people like you here.
yes they can sue you for slander too. It is wrong to post peoples names and humiliate them?

Hep B is not contiagous like chicken pox is only thru sexual contacts, i agree.

Did you know that Pamela Anderson have Hep C . She got it from her ex husband Tommy Lee. She may got it from having a tattoo done on her or do the needles with her ex Tommy. Look at her? She is famous- She know she have a disease but is taking good care of herself so she can live longer for the sake of her kids.

the two students whoever you named just want to be well liked by people- ever thought of that? why make trouble for them? obiviously you are no good! jeez! Not understanding of the disease? Tsk Tsk.

what goes around will go around so watch out Obeyme000.
It's liver issue, all public school (including colleges) are required to take vaccination before enroll but some states don't required, all deaf school over USA are required to take it because they live in dorm and crowded, as it called Life Program. I know that several students haven't take vaccination yet and they got expulsion for being hidden without any information.

Illegal immigrants cannot attend school because it's easier to bust it when want apply for new immunization, blue form at doctor office. Our school are ask them to prove the information paper, as visa or they will call police to arrest them then depart to their countries.