Health Care to "control the people"

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A new report from the Economic Policy Institute finds that "unfair Chinese trade and currency practices caused the loss of as many as 2.4 million U.S. jobs between 2001 and 2008." The report comes as 130 members of Congress last week asked the Obama administration to officially label China a currency manipulator.

"My belief is that China will not do anything unless they're required to, and every day we wait is a day we lose wealth, we lose economic advantage, we lose jobs," Schumer said. Senators vow action on China forex bill | Reuters
Did the reports contain detailed information, like specific corporations and numbers? I haven't seen that. Whirlpool took bail out funds, promptly closed an American factory, and outsourced jobs. So much for recovery. No doubt that outsourcing will continue unabated without federal intervention. The issuance of HB1 visas is at an all time high, too.

They mentioned it was a problem. Of course it's bad for the economy. Can't blame companies for doing it though. The point is to make a profit. Our government makes that difficult sometimes.
I can blame corporations for doing it, especially when they are paying no taxes. There are these ingenious corporate structures that create off shore tax shelters. As a "person," there are duties as well as rights.
I can blame corporations for doing it, especially when they are paying no taxes. There are these ingenious corporate structures that create off shore tax shelters. As a "person," there are duties as well as rights.

As long as what they do is legal....more power to them I say. Get government off their back, maybe things will change.
You have an irrational hatred of government. Then again, you're part of the "Texian Nation." lol I'm a fourth generation Texan, but I don't have illusions of Texas as the promised land.
You have an irrational hatred of government. Then again, you're part of the "Texian Nation." lol I'm a fourth generation Texan, but I don't have illusions of Texas as the promised land.

I love most of our state government. I love a government that does what is supposed to do.

During the great Texas drought Grover Cleveland denied federal support for Texas saying that charity was not a function of Government. We survived. In fact we have done quite well.

I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution, and I do not believe that the power and duty of the general government ought to be extended to the relief of individual suffering which is in no manner properly related to the public service or benefit. Federal aid in such cases encourages the expectation of paternal care on the part of the government and weakens the sturdiness of our national character, while it prevents the indulgence among our people of that kindly sentiment and conduct which strengthens the bonds of a common brotherhood.
Cleveland's Veto of the Texas Seed Bill

So it's not Government I dislike.....It's government as it is currently operating that I dislike. Big difference.

I have a hard time believing brave young men who paddled across the Delaware after sustaining months of defeat did so to provide an institution for beggers......

I worked hard and fought long odds to get where I am today. The gimme gimme gimme crowd doesn't sit well with me. :shrug:
And it shows order and efficiency. Impressive marches. Too bad we don't have that here.

yea it's nice and impressive. but you're right that we don't have that here..... cuz we're busy saving the world :)

[ame=]YouTube - US Military Power[/ame]

I love most of our state government. I love a government that does what is supposed to do.

During the great Texas drought Grover Cleveland denied federal support for Texas saying that charity was not a function of Government. We survived. In fact we have done quite well.

So it's not Government I dislike.....It's government as it is currently operating that I dislike. Big difference.

I have a hard time believing brave young men who paddled across the Delaware after sustaining months of defeat did so to provide an institution for beggers......

I worked hard and fought long odds to get where I am today. The gimme gimme gimme crowd doesn't sit well with me. :shrug:

Rather amusing, even puzzling, to see charges of being "anti-govt" or a "govt-hater" when people call for smaller and better efficiently run govt.
I said this myself! This bill is away for the government to take control of your lives! What is next, will the government being coming in our home and taking control of our heater thermostats so we will not be able to control it on our own anymore! The government could say we need stop using so much oil and we'll getting control everyone heat! Health insurance should not be a law!
I said this myself! This bill is away for the government to take control of your lives! What is next, will the government being coming in our home and taking control of our heater thermostats so we will not be able to control it on our own anymore! The government could say we need stop using so much oil and we'll getting control everyone heat! Health insurance should not be a law!

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they started taxing Kwh's past a certain level. A residential cap and trade.
I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they started taxing Kwh's past a certain level. A residential cap and trade.

Yeah , I could see that happening! The government is trying to pass a sugar
tax !
I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they started taxing Kwh's past a certain level. A residential cap and trade.

the municipals do that for water consumption but not by tax.... just fines. They usually do this during drought.
Fines are a form of taxation. They just call it a "fine" just so it sound less benign.
Conservative media figures have asserted that in a March 22 interview, Rep. John Dingell said health care reform will "control the people." In fact, Dingell has said that conservatives are taking him out of context and has explained that he was referring to "overseeing" the "insurance companies."
source: Dingell rebuts claims that he said purpose of health care reform is to "control" the American people | Media Matters for America

Before you say "that's left wing website and I am not going to trust it" just go there because there's source link in the article to the interview and his statement on his website which was released day after the conservatives took him out of context.

Obviously you didn't read the whole interview that he took. the blog you quoted just chopped to that part. Remember DeafNotes? you told those haters to quote you fully not chopped with the "..."

Dingell said
"If one were to listen to the entire interview, and not just a clip creatively chopped up for political gain, it is obvious that by 'people' I was referring to the insurance companies who we must do a better job of overseeing. Specifically, we are going to end the deplorable practices of those who rescind the health insurance policies of people on gurneys heading into emergency rooms.
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