head set reccomendation


New Member
Jan 12, 2013
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i'm looking to see about getting a head set/mic? any good ones that I can wear without the hearing aid?

do i need an amplifier for those things?
if you’re iPhone user Try AirPod Pro , listen music and use it as hearing Aid simultaneously , if this is first time before purchasing new one , try with your friends AirPods see if it suits you
I have a set from starkey that my work got me. It's a binaural headset as well instead of a monaural. I can turn it up a lot louder so it drowns out the background noise.
I am full deaf, and I own a $300 (now you can get it for $200 or $240) Beats by dre headset. Bluetooth connected, and I can feel the vibrations off the music, and guns on my video games. No wires in the way, and I can sign to my wife with freedom.

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