Have your parents made fun of deaf???

That sucks MamaAngel... if you weren't an Angel for one minute you'd give your bitchin' mama a big bird! My mom was in the same situation as you when her step-mom was bitch mouthin' my mom. Nothing appreciates her and I dispise people who are like that. Ya know what MamaAngel? Your mama is no better than you, remember that.
^Angel^ said:
I do remember one time , my Real Mom was at my first son's birthday party and I was only 19 years old almost 20......It was the first time I ever cook on a birthday party and surely made a nice dinner.....well, I was cooking potatoes and my mom came in the kitchen and said ' the potatoes were done ' while I was cutting up the ham and I told her ' I know theyre done but wanted the potatoes to stay hot while I was finish cutting the ham and putting rolls into the oven then I would take care of the potatoes '.....My real mom suddenly said ' U don't know how to cook , Ure going to burn it Stupid '...I was numb and speechless to hear my real mom had to say this in front of the entire family and even in front of my 1 year old son....I just turned my head away and wouldn't say anything else to her and tried so hard to hold in my tears so I wouldn't cry in front of anyone ....but, it didn't happen I ran in the bathroom and locked myself in there and just cried and cried.....I could not believe my mom wouldn't be nice just for One Day!....That's all I ever wanted!...I guess it was too hard for her to do that! :confused:

Oh no... Angel ^....That must be horrible hurt inner your feelings. It is so sad because alot of hearing people do not realize how much do Deaf people have a good talent in cooking, sewing, crafting, gardening, etc… We have a good common sense in many ways.

My sister and I are not getting along either. We grew up in same bedroom. She has been threatening me for years. I never forgot, she was stabbed a scissor at my arm because I wanted to get her attention for some reason. She ignored me. (I can’t remember what was exactly occurred.)

Few years ago, my Deaf Dad was into the emergency room at the hospital. My sister worked at the same hospital. I did request an interpreter for my Dad but my sister was aggressive to do interpreter for my Dad. There is no way for my Dad to understand medical terms in interpreter. My sister is NOT fluency ASL. She has homemade geuster in sign language. I called Rhode Island Commission for the Deaf to explain the situation. They called RI Hospital immediately to explain about the ADA law. The doctor can’t surgery on my Dad without an interpreter. My sister yelled at the administor hospital to not listen to my Dumb-Deaf sister. So, the hospital followed my sister’s order. I saw my Dad in the recovery room. He did not know what to do after the surgery. I approached to my Dad and kiss on his forehead. You will be fine with my face smile… I must stay in strong for my Dad’s sake.

My Dad’s Deaf friends, my older son, ex fiancée’ and I were in Dad’s room. My sister came in with her dinner tray into Dad’s room. She ate a dinner at same time to yelling at my face confront whole of my Dad’s friends, my son, etc… What a embarrass for my Dad and me !! I brought a ADA law paper what the hospital supposes to be provide an interpreter for the Deaf people. My sister tore that paper and screamed at my face. Threw a tray at the floor and escape from my Dad’s room. My Dad was crying so hard. His friends left because they were scared.

Oh Dear… I hugged tight and rub on his back to calm him down. I paged my brother and explain him what happen. My brother was shocked and disgusted. My sister and I hardly spoke each other since 5 years now.

My sister has NO respect for my Dad and me. We are so tired of her oppressive on us. My sister used my Dad’s money to trip down to Africa two times. Stole my Dad’s credit card, etc… :madfawk: my sister !
Oh dear Angel & Sabrina..... It´s very sad to read your story...

I dont know what I should say.....

I don´t blame you, Sabrina.... Better forget her if she has no respect on you for that.... It´s no good to contact her if she carrying on like this.... Better leave her alone with her stupid remark....

Angel, I can image how you feel when you were me... I feel small when my mother said such like this front of my family..... I´m agree that it´s hard to forget what your mother did to you.

The scar alway stay in your mind when something terrible happened to you...
Yesterday I and my mom got into HUGE fight, somehow she made fun of deafies by making some stupid gestures like it doesn't make any sense in ASL and made really nasty dirty look at me... I was so mad, so I told my interpreter what happened at school, she said it is insult to deaf people.. when I got home from school I tried to have talk to her but she refused to apologize and I told her that what she did is not good thing... and I cried all evening, I felt so hurt.... since she never apologize, so I will have my deafie friends bitch at her and make her sorry for what she did... Later on she calsl me mentally retarded and that I am M.R.... it hurt me more worse... I hate it when people make fun of deafies, deafblind people.. they are such idiots....
Ohhh thats terrible for some of you that had hearing parents to make fun of thier deaf children...unreal!!! My parents never, ever did that to me! They were totally understanding and supportive of me, a few times when people say something unkind or do something hateful cuz of my deafness, they really go on warpath!! it pisses them off big time!..like one time when i was in 6th grade (mainstreamed) and i couldnt play basketball cuz i had a cold so i sat on the bench..well, in front of everybody, he made mean gestures to me regarding to my deafness, it really hurts my feelings so of course i cried and when the last bell rang for the day, i ran out and mom was waiting for me in the car, i could barely tell her as i was crying so hard..oh she got it alright and went inside and tore up this gym teacher's azz!! then she went to the principal's office and gave him a piece of her mind..he was very apologic for this teacher's action but she demanded the gym teacher's apology! the principal talked to him and warned him if that happens again, he will not renew his contract with the school!! He apologized to me and my mom but mom said something to him and for the rest of school year, i didnt have to continue gym!
:giggle:... Aww Thanks Katzie...!..*hugs*...And Thank you Sabrina and Liebling!... :grouphug:

Ah, wow I read all your messages.. My hugs goes to you all.. :grouphug:

When I was very sick, my parents brought me to the Doctor. The Dr told my father to get 3 things from the drugs store.. Mom took me home and Dad went to the drugs store. My fever got worse and it got high and higher. 3 days had pass, Dad never came home. Mom was so worried and brought me over to uncle Bill (Dad's brother). Uncle Bill asked mom what was she doing? Mom told him that Bob (Dad's name) never came home for 3 days. He was supposed to bring the baby medications. Uncle Bill was soo furious and went to the drugs store to get the medications.

Few months later, Uncle Bill's wife Aunt Tanya was calling my name. I was sitting on the floor in Living room and my back was face them. She called again and again. She was so worried and told Uncle Bill that I couldnt hear. Uncle Bill tried to call my name. I hadnt respond. They had to tell Mom abt it. Of course, Mom was so upset.. She took me to the Doctor at the hospital. The dr told Mom that I was profound deaf and wouldnt hear anything. Mom was like soo devasted (sp?). Social Worker and Dr told Mom to go to deaf school next to the Hospital. She took me there. She saw all the kids and Teachers were signing. Mom was soo freaked BUT she let me learn at school. And I had to practice speech at home for 2 hours every day for 3 years. My grandmother told Mom to learn sign language. Mom told them NO. She wanted her daughter to be in hearing world too and wanted her to meet hearing people.

Well, look at me now, I thanked my mother many times for doing this. She was a great woman and very supportive.. She learned fingerspell to communciate with my deaf friends. :ily: Mom (Rest In Peace)
My Adoptive parents are treat me like slave deaf child.. my life was totally sucks..
Doesn't want be talk about this.. Pretty quite gross lotsa of details....

Least I'm happy have reunion my b-mom and have my own familiy here too..
I already forgiven to my adopt mom because too old past because she was felt guilty. I disowned my Adoptive Dad for 12 years from now.. Pretty long! What he had done terrible to me... *mumbling*

Sorry about your experience all of you guys went through ordeal whoever inslut you being deafness and dumb.. Pretty strong word "inslut your own repluation". Really I disagree with this.
Wow, a lot of your stories are sad and inspiring at the same time.. You people have so much strength inside you, you guys inspire me..
My life was pretty simple. I was an only child and my parents wanted everything best for me.. I didn't really want all of the things that they showered me with, I just wanted my hearing.. My parents dont really accept me for who I am.. When I was two my parents realized that I wasnt talking or hearing them right, they took me to a doctor in Cleveland but they said I was normal, hearing 100 %.. It didnt make sense to my parents so they took me to Columbus and they said I had a severe profound hearing loss.. It shook up my parents really bad.. My doctor told them that they would have to learn sign language so they can communicate with me.. But my mom got really angry, she was like im not going to have a deaf daughter, Im going to teach her to use her voice.. So with my moms hard work, I have a voice now.. Im really thankful of that..
But I went to a deaf program at a hearing school for a couple of years.. I had a lot of friends who were deaf, everytime they would come over my house, my parents wouldnt know how to communicate with them.. They would be like waving hi! Then they dont know what else to say to them, and they would be like kayla just go and take your friend and play.. I was so angry because they wouldn't know what my friends are really like... My best friend has a cholear implant, now she tries her hardest to lipread my parents, so now they know what she is like.. My parents dont really like deaf that much, i think it scares them on how much we have to go through.
I do have those family dinners at christmas time or whatever holiday, my family would be chatting away so fast and i wouldnt catch it all.. I would be like what are you guys talking about, whats so funny? They would be like nevermind I hate that word SO much... They dont understand what I have to do through everyday of my life..
One day I was talking to my mom about college and I was thinking about going to RITD or Gally.. My mom got so angry with me and yelling at me, no you are not going to college there and hang with those kind of people and lose your voice.. I was like what the fuck? I hang out with my deaf friends all the time and i still have my voice.. My parents DONT understand what its like to me at all! IT SUCKS! :(
I still love them though..
My biological father simply abandoned me and my brother upon discovering that we both are deaf. Ran off when I was six months old and I never saw him at all while growing up.

Various stepfathers came and went - they all were very uncomfortable but never put me down. We simply did not communicate. They talked more to our two hearing sisters than us.

Our mother was very supportive and still is to this day - never put us down but what our fathers did left a deep scar in both of us.
undecisivegurl, tell your mother.

I was NTID student. I did meet RIT students (hearing). I am telling you that some of RIT students become my friends. I did hang out with both hearing and Deaf students. :o

I am Deaf with hearing family. My mother accepted me go to either NTID and Gallaudet. =/ I do not know your family well. Try to convice your mother must accept who are you.
My mom never made fun of me and is real supportive of me being deaf. She always encouraged me to join sport, and other groups. My younger bro is the same way.

My dad and older bro sometimes made fun of me. My dad always said you are dumb cuz you are deaf. I don't blame him cuz his parents told him that and it made him angry. he passed it on to me too. He told me I cannot drive, go to college or etc cuz of my deafness. Today, it s funny thing cuz I am only kid who go to college, have a successful life with my hubby and owned the house. My brothers are getting their turn after me ha ha. I forgave my parents for leave me out of their family while they are talking and etc. Same going for my older bro.
My parents both were VERY supportive of my sister and I when we both were discovered to have a profound hearing loss. I was diagnoised with deafness when I turned 18 months old after my mum had vacuumed in my bedroom while I was sleeping. I didn't wake up to the loud noises of the vacuum cleaner, so she knew there was something up -- took me to an audiologist and found out. Naturally, parents both were upset and depressed for a bit of time after the discovery. They didn't mope around for long...went on to doing research in finding the best school that offered education in the deaf program and mainstreaming as well.
Mum learned sign language, so did Dad - but he didn't sign all that much, only relied on speech and fingerspelling. Both sister and I grew up with TC (learned both sign language and learned to talk). Our parents encouraged us to sample everything that came across our paths -- of course, ensured that we chose carefully as well, ha.

Nowadays, my Mum's busy getting ready in taking the RID test to be certified as a proficient ASL interpreter. ;) Dad's in peace on the other side.

I only wish that other families with deaf children were more open-minded and allow the children to learn sign language and not force them into oralism (for some, not all.) as children are DEAF, period.
In the age of technology and Cochlear Implants -- the CI's just a device to assist the deaf, it's not a CURE. When the CI's taken off for the day, the person's DEAF -- STONE deaf. :)
Wow, I read all of your stories, and reflected on how lucky I am.
Mom and my family didn't make fun of my deafness from what I recall.
A few strangers from church when I was young probably did make fun of me.

Katziegirl, and deaf258, you two were incorrigible! :rofl:
Oh shucks.. so same as so am I. *mumbling* when I become stronger and teenager.. I insluted my Adopt Dad.. Don't give me FUCK w/me and don't dare you call'n me Retard and thinks I can't hear you.. ha ha.. I'm glad I can read lip you.. you dumb!!! I'm while watching you...
My Adopt Dad was blew his mind off.. I dispeared *vanished air* no more return parent house for good.... I'm happy living on my own... :) :thumb:
He treat me bad rasied slavery! *Doesn't want talk 'bout my life* Pretty burnen more than 100% I wish I could written of my past journal.. really hurt me more! *shucks*