Have you..


New Member
Mar 23, 2003
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ever had problems with your doctor (current or former), the nurses or secretary who answers the phone calls?

I have.. my 3 year old son was sick before christmas and I was getting concerned since the meds i gave him wasn't helping but it did reduce his fever he had and stayed down, but he was still tired and coughing. I called the doctor's office and this secretary answered and I asked if the doctor could see him that day because austin was not feeling well and not his usual self. She said no i'm sorry he's booked for that day I said well when is he available because I think I'd like the dr to see him right away. She said that he's booked til Jan 13th and I was like wtf? I even asked if she could refer me to another doctor who can see him she said no and then hung up on me..I even called back and she knew it was me cuz of the relay so she hung up on me again. So I waited later to call the other doctors whoever is on call, gave them the phone number and waited for the on call dr to call back, they never called.. then on xmas night austin was still sick, not his usual self still and coughing so I called the on-call dr again and this one did call back and said she would like to see him the next day, so the next day my hubby took him to that dr and found out it was pnuemonia. If this secretary could have notified the dr and asked if he could see him just for a minute or 5 minutes..its a good thing we got him to another dr before it got worse. It was mild.. whew. Now he's all better but I'm not satisfied with the services in the dr office because of her (the secretary), so I'm going to transfer to a different dr, the one who saw my son. My boys will have their last checkup there and my hubby and I will explain how we feel and why we will transfer to the doctor and we will complain about that secretary because she isnt doing her job. She actually said to go ahead and transfer when we said we weren't happy with her attitude and services. It seems she doesnt want to have too many patients so it wouldn't be too much work for her. This is the 4th time we had to transfer to a new dr for my 2 boys:( I hope it will be the last time.
Awww!! Poor your kids!! You did the right thing by deciding to transfer because you do not have to take that attitude from her. My dr's secretary is super nice. If the kids are really sick, she would always squeeze them in 99 percent of the time.

Hope it's the last time too!!
Jeez... that sucks! You should sue them! For all we know, your son could have died!
what they did was wrong and hanging up on u was unprofessional get a lawyer and sue them teek, cuz what they did was endangering the kids life that way it was unacceptable!
butterflygal... I would same thing your shoes...

Dr always let me squeezed short time notice... and to quick check up on my kid and to make sure my kid is okay or seriouis.. no matter what kind emergency than go to hosptial.. Really killing my time as wasting totally hell waited for long hours at the hospital..

Pretty slow service due gov't cuts the staffs.. (rolls) stoooooopid gov't in the past.. But this currenty gov't still condiser and try their best funding for hosptial better service otherwise still sucks paying the fee some of what hide agenda..
You should file a formal complaint to the Medical board or some company that deals with the receptional level -- perhaps the hospital's human resources. Best to get the company to open their eyes and realise what the receptionist is doing and so forth. Being unprofessional in her job isn't good.
I agree with Waters and others... sue them. I wish you the best of luck. :roll: at stupid secretary!!