Have You Noticed?

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Have you noticed that Blondie Twinie won´t be here until 2 weeks time... I will miss them.
LOL Cheri

have u noticed im a bit peeved at hypocrites and fakers qq :roll:
have u notice that i came home from dr and shopping for foods?? whew!!! :o
have u notice DD call me how rude but she didnt ask me for get chocolate for her.. it not my fault!:dunno:....
have u noticed that I shldnt have to tell TB what I wanna, shes supposed to know what I want by herself???
have u notice that I dont know if DD wanna chocolate or not.... i told her in my pager that i went shopping then she should let me know in pager..???
Have you notice that DD likes to be slap to her ass? I think Tweetybird needs to do it. :o
Have you noticed that Cheri likes to slap DD on her buttcheeks too? tsk tsk. :booty:
Cheri said:
Have you notice that DD likes to be slap to her ass? I think Tweetybird needs to do it. :o
oh really??? i think i need whip cheri butt and get red from my hand print on her butt so it memory hehehe!!!!
aww Liebling, *Clint Eastwood voice*>>>' I will be back! ' ...

Have you noticed that FlyFree pm me and talked dirty!...Shall I report on her? :twisted:
TweetyBird said:
oh really??? i think i need whip cheri butt and get red from my hand print on her butt so it memory hehehe!!!!

:shock: *slaps* TweetyBird, I said DD not me. tsk!

Have you notice Tweetybird is daydreaming?

have u notice that i love pick on cheri cuz of she is very sweet girl!!!!???
have u notice that DD is whine going school tonight and oh poor thing sista?? :ily:
have you notice I was busy, but not ingoring DD? :nana: Aww too bad DD gotta go school and I don't. *grins* Well not this semester anyways :)
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