Have You Noticed?...(Part Two)

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RedWolf said:
ahhhh i thought u didnt notice that lol check my profile....lol just like his lol

Lev had told me that I have a keen eye for details. Your new profile is getting somewhat on the kinky side. Hopes Alex won't ban you for it.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Have you notice that someone put super glue on the toliet seat, and I'm STUCK. Heh....now who did this??? Tsk tsk
OHhh here is 12am in eastcoat :lol: Ooo no wondeirng ur is not over yet!! ooooOoo still on FOOL DAY eh?? :popcorn: you noticed OldNavyGirl is ready give anyone fool day? :laugh2:
April Fool over for me now! but poor oldnavygal gotta wait an hour for hers to end.

<----- feeling :dizzy: after all those pranks!
Have y'all noticed oldnavygirl got a new user title asking if I was looking at her for so long?
u noticed that april fools day is over now im working on getting my profile and my avatar back to normal lol
sablescort said:
Have y'all noticed oldnavygirl got a new user title asking if I was looking at her for so long?

:lol: are you actually looking at me so long? lol
RedWolf said:
u noticed that april fools day is over now im working on getting my profile and my avatar back to normal lol
yup! i am doing now hahaha! :P
you noticed that i changed my profile back to normal after all those Alex pranks full of Alex clones lol
you noticed that AD forums name are back to normal?? lol Also you noticed that Alex clones are fading away??? lol
Have you noticed that a new member of AD who just signed up, Steve Joners was "banned"?
Have you noticed how ONG was able to do that? (*ahems*...doing it all one-handed as shown in her avatar--like if she's daring herself to DO it, adding this avatar!--in other words: as she cover her eyes....daring to hit the submit button to load this avatar) :lol:
Roadrunner said:
Have you noticed how ONG was able to do that? (*ahems*...doing it all one-handed as shown in her avatar--like if she's daring herself to DO it, adding this avatar!) :lol:

har har, i'm not afraid to add an avatar :P
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