Have You Noticed? Part IV

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Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY sniffin n chomp strawberry shortcake? YUMMIEZ in my mind YUMMIEZ whip cream on women to licky YUMMIEZ :naughty: WOLFY BOI
mlkshkgrl said:
Have you noticed I am getting a gift in the mail soon from a really really sweet friend.
Just a really sweet friend?? :naughty:
Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY get up early out of cave ? back full time work :)

Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY leavin to work? WOOF WAGGIN
have you noticed that i am already :smoking: before class? :squint: so high and fly! :dance:

and have you noticed that i finally hitted 200th post? :wave:
Have u notice PUNKYWOLFY just find out off work SO hang out with TWEETYBIRD? all morn we zoom eat bkft at Waffle House then zoom shoppin just got home whew so hottie weather outside pantin
have u notice that 86 temp outside wow very HOT! cuz of thunderstorm coming soon? :roll:
Have you noticed it's 59 degrees here and mostly cloudy here :)
noticed that my ass is getting flat and printed a color sheet from "hello kitty" website and gone offline right after this? :fruit:
old guy said:
Just a really sweet friend?? :naughty:

Have you noticed I :whip: old guy and tell him to behave before I get my CCSinned after him.
mlkshkgrl said:
Have you noticed I :whip: old guy and tell him to behave before I get my CCSinned after him.
Have you noticed old guy better back off before I do this to him -
<- Old Guy
C.C.Sinned said:
Have you noticed old guy better back off before I do this to him -
<- Old Guy
Have you noticed that would hurt a lot! LOL
C.C.Sinned said:
Have you noticed old guy better back off before I do this to him -
<- Old Guy

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW....he still loves me... :bj: :buttsex: :hug:
have you noticed that i was the only one who played 21 questions!?

well!? have you!?
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