Have You Noticed?....( Part 3 )

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TweetyBird said:
:rofl: hahahahah!!!!

have u notice that i will drive up to mc donald's in Ohio before i meet u in person first time??? hehehehe!

Have you noticed that Tweetybirdie would actually fly to Ohio just to see ME!!!... :mrgreen:

Methink we will hit it off great!!....Uh-oh, I don't mean sexually!! :rofl:

^Angel^ said:
Have you noticed that Tweetybirdie would actually fly to Ohio just to see ME!!!... :mrgreen:

Methink we will hit it off great!!....Uh-oh, I don't mean sexually!! :rofl:

HAHAHAH very funny!!!!! :rofl::rofl:

have u notice that ^Angel^ hope that i am comming to see her hehehe?
^Angel^ said:
Aww :ily:

Have you noticed that Mlkshkgrl is soo tenderly sweet..

Methink we would become good friends.... :mrgreen:

Have u noticed I give Angel a :hug: cause she is such a nice person
mlkshkgrl said:
Have you noticed me running from tof....jumping in the trunk of angel's car to hide...calling angel on cell phone....plzzzzzz come drive me away....tof is after me

Have you noticed once Mlkshkgrl called me, I drove away to a nearest gas station, then open my trunk to find that she isn't there...

Methink she got into the wrong car! :-o ..

Anyone seen Mlkshkgrl, Pretty please call me at 1-800-555-Angel...
^Angel^ said:
Have you noticed once Mlkshkgrl called me, I drove away to a nearest gas station, then open my trunk to find that she isn't there...

Methink she got into the wrong car! :-o ..

Anyone seen Mlkshkgrl, Pretty please call me at 1-800-555-Angel...

UH OH....Have u noticed that i jumped in TOF car...angel come save me...I dont wanna go visit the cow patties

have you noticed, it has been over a week since i posted to this thread, and I just noticed it is still going on and on and on and on LMAO...but atleast there is a lot of love going around here ;) LOL
mlkshkgrl said:
UH OH....Have u noticed that i jumped in TOF car...angel come save me...I dont wanna go visit the cow patties
Have you noticed I went & got Mlkshkgrl from TOF's trunk. Drove away at a high rate of speed. Once she was safe I put her in the back seat & we :69:
Have you noticed that I bumped into their car and they looked up and saw me in their naked bodies? :giggle:
Have you noticed that i fainted since i saw POM's naked body!!! yikes... *thudding*


have you noticed that Tweetybird can't wait to get naked because she's home alone. :P
Have you noticed that Sequoias couldn't wait to get his hands on Tweetybirdie's naking body...

Methink she might slap him! :eek:
Have you noticed that ^angel^ videoing on seq since he fondled tweetybird's melons! Oooo and Angel gonna to selling all tapes! :D

TongueOnFire said:
Have you noticed that ^angel^ videoing on seq since he fondled tweetybird's melons! Oooo and Angel gonna to selling all tapes! :D


Have you noticed that I actually video tape Tweetybirdie beating the chit out of Sequoias for toughing her body so passionly!!... :o

Methink he won't be able to have anymore hands after Tweetybirdie let her dogs out.... :shock:

Poor dude, I'm going to miss his signs! :tears:
Have you noticed that I got *owned* by tweetybird, oh she's so strong. I forgot that she was a lesbian....:P
sequoias said:
have you noticed that Tweetybird can't wait to get naked because she's home alone. :P
ofcccccccccccccc i will be nake around here!!!! hehehe! :whistle:
^Angel^ said:
Have you noticed that Sequoias couldn't wait to get his hands on Tweetybirdie's naking body...

Methink she might slap him! :eek:
TB :slap: Sequoias for touch me!!! hehe!
sequoias said:
Have you noticed that I got *owned* by tweetybird, oh she's so strong. I forgot that she was a lesbian....:P
HAHAHAHA!!! DANG! u cant have me!! hehehee!! 1:rofl::rofl:
TweetyBird said:
HAHAHAHA!!! DANG! u cant have me!! hehehee!! 1:rofl::rofl:

Have you noticed that I walked away quietly and gone hunting down other women. :P
sequoias said:
Have you noticed that I walked away quietly and gone hunting down other women. :P
have u notice that TB accpet for friends and feel better???
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