Have You Noticed?....( Part 3 )

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Cheri said:
My chair? I have a cloth chair [not leather or steel] Beside I don't play with myself by the computer. :dizzy:

:jaw:Really...wow you dont know what youre missing it's sooooooooo much better than in bed :giggle:
Cheri said:
My chair? I have a cloth chair [not leather or steel] Beside I don't play with myself by the computer. :dizzy:
Have you noticed Cheri is missing out cuz if she did there is great porn on the computer... Try It you'll like it... want me to type dirty to you? :naughty:
C.C.Sinned said:
Have you noticed I'm telling Mlkshkgrl I've been naughty? Whip me baby my :booty: is waiting...

craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack :booty: :whip: u naughty boy now go find my pussy she ran out of the house looking for sausage. When u find her bring her back home and pet her while youre feeding her, her sausage.
mlkshkgrl said:
craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack :booty: :whip: u naughty boy now go find my pussy she ran out of the house looking for sausage. When u find her bring her back home and pet her while youre feeding her, her sausage.
Have you noticed I'm going out to search for pussy. I like giving pussy sausage. Pussy is so hungry for my sausage. *calling out here pussy pussy pussy pussy cat* :naughty:
Have you noticed I'm asking Cheri to join in on the fun. Really Cheri it is only harmless fun. Try it. Join in. Come on... :cool:
Hummm... Apparently Bugs has been around...

Have you noticed a hole outside the wall where the infamous closet stands? And Sex Sex Sinner chasin' the AD wimmenfolk around? Time for Phase 2.

Have you noticed DD opening a door hidden in the grass, concrete stairs going down to an iron door below?

Have you noticed the iron door slowly creaking open, showing a three foot thick concrete bunker as big as a small bedroom?

Have you noticed DD whistling, as she busily covers the hole with leaves, branches and what not?

Have you noticed Sex Sex Sinner sniffing, on the track of fresh pussy for his sausage and meatballs?

Have you noticed Sex Sex Sinner noticed DD standing, then running forward and then screaming at the top of his lungs, while he falls through the hole, down the stairs and through the doorway into the room?

Have you noticed the iron door slam shut?

Have you noticed DD whistling as she clears away the mess and then closing the outside door and watching it match up perfectly into the ground and melt away?

Have you noticed DD smiling at you, my gentle reader, then walking away into the dark night?

Have you noticed her melting away into darkness....?

Have you noticed I'm trapped in DD's Booby trap. I'm stuck without any boobies in a booby trap.... Help!!! Help!!! Let Me Out!!! Will anyone help me??? While I'm stuck here. All the Crazy Cat can do is :wackit: Someone let me out Please...
:tears: :tears: :tears: Have you noticed I'm begging DD to release my crazy cat....plz plz plz I miss my sex starved stud muffin.... :tears: :tears: :tears:
Have you noticed DD gliding out of the darkness...?

Have you noticed DD banishing the darkness into nothingness?

Have you noticed DD waving her hand over the hillock, making the door appear?

Have you noticed DD opening the door slowly, letting light shine on the concrete steps?

Have you noticed the iron door creaking open slowly, letting the light into the darkened room?

Have you noticed Sex Sex Sinner come crawling out the room, up the stairs and through the door?

Have you noticed Sex Sex Sinner kissing the feet of DD and thanking her for letting him out of his prison?

Have you noticed DD closing the door, waving her hand to make the door disappear into the grass?

Have you noticed DD gliding back into the darkness, melting away?
Have you noticed I'm Kissing DD's feet. YAY I'm happy now... From :wackit: all night. My pecker is really sore :dizzy:
C.C.Sinned said:
Have you noticed I'm Kissing DD's feet. YAY I'm happy now... From :wackit: all night. My pecker is really sore :dizzy:

No wonder. Have you noticed that Sex Sex Sinner should put padding on his tweezers? HINT: Cotton from Q-tips are the perfect size.
DreamDeaf said:
No wonder. Have you noticed that Sex Sex Sinner should put padding on his tweezers? HINT: Cotton from Q-tips are the perfect size.
Have you noticed DD cracks me up... She is a funny woman...
C.C.Sinned said:
Have you noticed DD cracks me up... She is a funny woman...

Have you noticed that CC plays a wonderful straight man to this crazy woman?
Have you noticed ONG hasn't posted on here in a while? Where is she she is cool?? *calling out ONG, where are you???*
Have you noticed I miss my Mlkshkgrl??? Where are you My Sweet??? :confused:
Have you noticed I just got home from worrk and my birthday has begun!!!!
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