I've had alot of things broken...
the first time, when I was only a toddler, actually sped up the process of me becoming deaf... and I still have the dent in my head from it.
My brother was supposedly playing around, and I was right by the stairs and he bumped into me.... I fell and rolled down the stairs, my skull getting fractured on the left side. I had to be in the hospital being operated on and such for three weeks. I don't remember much from those days...
And then there was that time my brother hit me in the head with a steel bat on the right side of my head... amazingly enough it didn't break the skull bone, but it did leave a very nasty huge gash on there that hurt for weeks.. not to meition that side had to be shaved so that they could sew the broken and torn skin back together properly... my brother actually laughed about it, the jerk. I was like six or seven years old at that time.
The time I was learning how to rollerskate I litterally fell flat right on my face, breaking my nose. I was like 12.
and that other time I actually nearly lost my big right toe by an falling body-size mirror that slammed right into my feet. I wasn't even wearing any shoes... I was in the bathroom.. and I just had to have the luck to be standing in front of it drying myself off when the nail in the back that held the mirror to the wall broke.. the mirror then fell and cut my foot, and about nearly chopped a part of my feet off.. the only thing that held my foot together was my bits of flesh, and my skin.
My screams were actually heard an block away, where my parents were. They heard my scream and regonized it as mine... so they actually rushed right over, thinking that something really horrible had happened to me. I remember my mother actually broke down the door (how she automically knew which room I was in, I'll never know..), and wrapped this big towel around me, and then my stepdad came inside and lifted that huge mirror off me, and it was then they rushed me to the nearest hospital which was like in the city I live in now... at the time I lived in Washburn, which was like 36 to 40 mintues away from Bismarck. But my family drove like 80 miles an hour, so we there less than that...
You should had seen everyone's faces when I arrived wearing nothing but a bunch of towels, and trailing like this path of blood.. lol
I did have something to wrap my feet in, but my family was so rushed to get me into the ER so I hurridely and accidently left it in the car in order to get out and go in fast as possible.
By the end of that day I was so drugged and kept on seeing hallicuations snice they had to do sugery and sew some part of my feet back on. Amazingly enough I didn't get any scars from that save for around my big toe.. my right big toe will never look the same again.
I was like 14 years old when that happened.