Ahh, whenever happend to me million times!!
Cheri, Yeah i hate that most people asked me that f**king stupid question, Can you talk or can read my lipread after i told them i can't even hear nor talk, please bring pen and write repeat and repeat.. sometime they keep to talk to me before i told them i can't hear and i just nodded at them after seem that they not believe that i am deaf... I let them BLAH, BLAH, BLAH as talk forever tille they done or i walk away from them..

, samething with me, more often whoever come up to me, kept to talking me like blah, blah, blah.. till whoever is laughing about their joke or something comments. they started to wondering if i coudl answer back their jokes. because i easily catch their last sentence, saying" really funny about joke, could you answer this question". i told sorry, i am deaf... some were gulp and made fool out of themselves after i revealed them who i am.
bullymom, same that way, people who have patient with me while getta communcate with them by forth and back wrttien of piece papers
nozoboo, Damn

, same thing with me, sometime someone else and i will be willingly to be communcate by sidekick, for example, i running to catch the airport or order some snack by flight attention, using sidekick, it is much worth time to have the communcate..
I noticed that if slang peoples, or surfers, or ghetto peoples, or gang peoples whoever try to apparoched me, talk to me stuffs. whatis up with my head shake up to them then I immeddately told them that i can't hear and i am deaf.. they act like cheer up, say " peace" or "dude, have deaf friends like you" or "dude, cool, man and style shake hands like black's way" and etc.... they sometime felt in trap into lack of commucate with me, they always sign gesture as famous say " you pot?" or "you cigar?" or "you money?". i told them i aint all that.. sometime depend on my mood that i hand them some money, if they respect me in that way. they say, cool and give me handshake like black's way. they respect me that way they are.. sometime i was not expect that some people buy me drink such as pepsi or wine cooler.. they are cool to me everytime..
if weathly people as such elegant or something like suburban people, whoever try to approched me, they found out that i am deaf or something not hear from them. they would say, "sorry, nevermind, getta go now.." they sound like scare and run away from me.. in my mind of back say like oh c'mon, talk to me what they try to getta something to say..