That is why....
I have this bad attitude...
because some people can be immature.
And I would get fed up about it...
Some people always think I have a problem, but I don't
they have a problem... they don't understand
how insensitive they are.
I know nobody will believe me but...
when I was job corps, an old black woman threw my notebook and textbook in the garbage. And I didn't say anything about it... I just took my
books out of the garbage and left the room and SLAM the door behind me.
And I told my friends about it, and they said they heard about it...
And they said that the old woman didn't understand me.
And Malf, if you don't believe me, why not called Atlanta Job Corps and
asked one of the staff if they know me... and they will tell you.
Just tell them "do you know a girl with TCS and blah blah blah?"
They will remember me.
Not trying to get attention or get pity,, just joining discussion...
Yeah I gotta explain myself here.