Have anyone by accident step on pets?


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Feb 20, 2005
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Have anyone by accident step on pets' feet or tail or ?

I have done few time that I just accident step on my mom's cat's tail and the cat bite me on my leg or feet that I said "OWWWW sorry Bear" :lol: I didnt see his tail there in few time lol :lol:

my mom's dog Ricky that last friday or sat (last weekend) I just accident step on dog Ricky's tail and whew that he didnt bite me whew whew whew whew that I said sorry Ricky lol but he did bite me twice! when I trying to get thur but he wont move so I had to lift my leg up and over his body but he bite my feet OWWWWW and my mom trainning him said NO! that bad bite and his ears was went down and walk away from her hehehe and also when I just walk away from his body while he was laydown on the floor and then bite my thigh (spelling) and I scream OWWWWWWWWW and my mom heard me cuase close to ricky and she tell him like said scold on him NO that is bad bite something like that till now he getting used and listen from my mom than her ex boyfriend cause her ex boyfriend doesnt want Ricky anymore that is not nice of my mom's ex boyfriend so my mom keep the dog Ricky.

one of my old friend was sleepover my home when I live with my mom. She was packing her clothes to get ready back to school on sunday night and the cat was under my bed which we didnt know that the cat was under my bed and staring at her feet and strach her really hard and she got JUMPY! and SCREAM!!! and I laughed at her lol :lol:
LOL, your stories about the cat are funny!

I accidentally step on my older dog, Ichaya, all the time. She is my "shadow" and a mama's girl so she follows me every second. So every time I turn around I practically trip on her. She is a big dog too so it is like tripping over a piece of furniture! She doesn't seem to mind though, just gives me an exasperated look like "Didn't you see me again?" Of course, I sometimes :pissed: get frustrated with her for constantly being underfoot, especially if I'm cooking. She also loves to lay completely flat in the middle of doorways, so you have to step over her to get into the room. Sometimes in a hurry I don't realize she is there and go sprawling. She looks at me like, "Whaddid I do?"

Once, when I was a kid, I had a huge fight with my mom, and in a rage I stormed out of the house, slamming the screen door behind me. Since I am deaf I didn't realize that my dog Sam was following me out the door and I accidentally slammed the screen door square on his neck. My mom told me he screamed loud and ran off with his tail between his legs, thinking that I was mad at him! Aww, I felt so bad for accidentally hurting him. He forgave me though.

I also have the unfortunate habit of accidentally poking my young dog Trouble in the eye when we play. Or even sometimes when I don't realize he is sitting nearby and reach for something without looking. POKE. Oops! :ugh:
Yep, I accident stepped on my dad's dog's toe, when I was walking backwards, the dog bite me in the leg and barked. I said "Sorry, peace out doggie"

Another time I was walking the my dad's dog on the grass all sudden the yard water sprinklers went on and got me wet and I tripped over the dog and fall on his back part of his body and dog barked and growled at me, pushed me off. I got more wetter. Damn sprinklers. Wrong timing to come on while walking the dog.
Our beagle Tara used to sleep in the most weirdest places, I mean she just LOVED sitting under Mom's kitchen chair and had her paws hanging off this peice of wood and that one......gheez!

But try to wake her up when she's dozing for a snooze and you have to wait till morning...........but sleeping with her in your bed was similar to being on a boat sometimes!

Three times this female beagle acutally howled out like a wolf would in the middle of the night, having nightmares I suppose but man that sounded like a wolf and we've had eight dogs and that was just plain weird!

Anyway.........when we ever did accidentally step on her tail she's just yelp usually all the time and get up to then give you kisses to forgive you, I mean this dog was absolutely pure gold and such a blessing she was literally no doubt half human.

She passed three or four years ago, and we're FINALLY getting another beagle I hope to God this or next month, it's been way too long!

If you want to read about raw and organic diets for pets, google the Shirley's Wellness Site, it'll come up.

:) :)
Cheri said:
Yep, I accident stepped on my dad's dog's toe, when I was walking backwards, the dog bite me in the leg and barked. I said "Sorry, peace out doggie"

Another time I was walking the my dad's dog on the grass all sudden the yard water sprinklers went on and got me wet and I tripped over the dog and fall on his back part of his body and dog barked and growled at me, pushed me off. I got more wetter. Damn sprinklers. Wrong timing to come on while walking the dog.

oooooo I didnt mean to laugh wow the dog pushed you off ? lol :lol:
Oh yeah my mom's other dog name Kali it is a girl .. when I walk backward and turn around to forward walk but I trippled over Kali dog and then Kali looked at me within quiet to staring at me so I pat her and said I am sorry heheh. :lol:
Oh yeah, I seem to keep stepping on my black cat when she's laying on the floor at night, it's hard to see her cause she's all black....

Good grief!

A few times I would accidently step on other my black/white cat's tail, and she would get up so quickly, and run , I think she's trying to tell me to get off my freaking tail woman....:lol:

And sometimes I walk backwards and end up stepping on my cat's paws...
^Angel^ said:
Oh yeah, I seem to keep stepping on my black cat when she's laying on the floor at night, it's hard to see her cause she's all black....

Good grief!

A few times I would accidently step on other my black/white cat's tail, and she would get up so quickly, and run , I think she's trying to tell me to get off my freaking tail woman....:lol:

And sometimes I walk backwards and end up stepping on my cat's paws...

oh yeah lol it match color night black lol :lol: I am sure your cat jumpy and bite or strach you then ran away?? LOL
Yeah I stepped on my cat's tail and my dog's toe before, I said oww sorry you ok, the dog whined yelp and the cat was hissing or something like that. I watched where I step on next time ;) That was long time ago, though.
Oh yeah many times! I said oh sorry! I didn't see you there!

Boomer (Karla's ex neighbor's cat) always come in and stay with us. A few times I accidently step his tail! I told him Ohh I am sorry! I didn't mean that..picked him up and gave him kisses...he felt better...

Tahoe, my dog.. a few times I accidently step on her paws. Poor my baby! I heard her yelp...I told her Oh I am sorry...I didn't know you are here. And picked her up and kissed her 'boo boo'. She felt better..Jeez
Have accidentally stepped on many a pet because they got underfoot without me knowing it, just the other day I accidentally hurt my friends baby bird
unintentionally, she has an outdoor avery full of various breeds of finches and I was trying to round up all the babies to put them back in their nests before it rained so they wouldn't drown and this one baby I grabbed for, I caused him to fly right into a rock and he hit his head and was screaming and that really for a month has bothered me because I didn't want to hurt him but he died.
yeah, I recently a couple nights ago stepped on my dogs paw with heels on poor girl .. i said sorry over and over and layed her down and rubbed her paw with both my hands..
Yea sometimes.. I careless.. step on Smokey's paws and tail too.. cuz He is full of grey dark fur... barely hard to see him during Night time...
Oh brother.. sometimes I yelled.. SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRY smokey.. and *waited for smokey come back* grabb him *heavy smuckering* sorry repeatly.. kiss on his paw..
Seems He's okay but loud purrrring!
Sometimes I think my cats understand when I talk to them. Do pets seem to understand when you sign to them too?
Me too! LOL! when I careless my cat. Cat jumped. I scared me death. MEOW!!! I called him name PUFF!!!! OH NO SORRY!! HUGGED!!! KISSED!!! I gave my baby cat treat candy. Next time, I knew and watch out. but..... hhmmmm

My cat is very smart enough. When I quiet. Cat play around. I throw something on cat. LOLOL!!! Cat JUMPY!!! Later few days, I nap in living room. My cat jumped on me. I yelled out and scare. WHOA! my cat threathen me back. My cat still threathen me all the times. I gasped or scare me out! :nana: to Cat!
Yeah...my dog is my shadow and mama's boy too..he will follow me every second too! Every time, I turn around, I accident bump or trimp or step on his paw because he always right behind me when I turn around..:lol:
yes ive stepped on my dog before, well a couple times. ususally when im cooking because she's right there waiting for some food to fall. so from going to the counter, to the fridge and to the stove she follows me.
:whistle: OOh yea, I have done stepping on many animals. I feel so bad for them. Yes, they forgive me too after some huggings, apolozing, and kisses for their forgiveness.
I also have deaf dog (yellow Lab) too. Sometimes he will trip me by accidently because he was not paying attention too. I just laugh and let him lick my face and I tell him that I forgive him. He is the sweetest thing I ever had in my life. He is my biggest influence into planning to adopt more deaf animals!! :)