Messymama, do I remember right that you' re in Italy? We live in a greek island where there is nohing for deaf children... This is one of my worse thoughts, what we will do when he is old enough for school.
Another question: when should we seek for a second opinion? I thought that leaving 2-3 months to pass after the first evaluation would be a good idea, just in case there is any difference.
Yes I'm in Italy and we don't have much here, too. And as for school... I try to live one day at a time :roll: he's in kindergarden now and he seems ok, we try to make him stay with other deaf kids whenever is possible, and that's it. for now. But there should be some deaf community somewhere not too far from where you are... That's the first place to go.
Second opinion, you dais? Well, I may be too extreme, but I asked for second opinions and all I found out is... If you go to a Hospital with a profound kid, they'll tell you to implant. Period.
Trust what YOU see in everyday life, and make informed decision based on what's really important for you. Your child is not only a deaf ear, he's a person and while growing up you'll be able to understand what fits him best.
At the time we decided to wait until he was 3 to decide... In the meanwhile we changed HA since the old one was too loud, he refused them and they didn't listen to us parents even if we told them.
Our new HA has more high pitch sound and a better fit, he's wearing them all day and it's really clear that he has benefit from them, even if maybe not enough to understand speech. It's enough for us since he's progressing in sign and you know, for deaf people it's really difficult to discriminate speech! It's a hard work and some kids simply can't see the use of it..
So it may take a LONG time (years, not months). The CI doesn't necessarily make it easier. I'm sure it would'n change much for my son. The speech therapist said she thinks he would be a late talker even if he was hearing...
One deaf woman I know told me she came to be sure of what sound is what when she became 16-17 yo. Before, she always had to stop and think "what was that?" and work hard on it... And she had HA when she was 4, if I remember correctly, and has exceptional results with them (can use the phone). After seeing this, I simply refuse to hurry!!!
There would be more to say about sound, speech and what deaf children need to grow up happily, but deaf adults can teach you better than me: go find them.