Has Anyone ever...?

Banjo said:
Squirrels doesn't react too well when they are cornered. In fact, they can be dangerous when frightened. Wait till you see a possum when you've gotten it cornered.

You've seen nothing. Whoa.
I agree with you..

don't try messin' with possums :ugh:
What do you mean? what will a possum do to you?
Here's a picture I just took of Mugs with my digital camera.


  • mugs_2004.jpg
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Another picture of Mugs I just took. :)


  • mugs_2004_2.jpg
    12.9 KB · Views: 2
^Angel^ said:
What do you mean? what will a possum do to you?


I've seen them on TV, they've shown footage that people took with their camcorders. They can be very, very dangerous.
Aw Banjo, you got a very cute dog! *now I want one :(*
Banjo said:

I've seen them on TV, they've shown footage that people took with their camcorders. They can be very, very dangerous.

How are they dangerous?.. do they attack you or what?..
I've been attacked three different times by dogs and it was related to those days when I had been delivering the newspapers on a route....two of the dogs actually bit me, one on my ankle and the other on my leg (actually when I was out collecting) and the third missed me but got away with a chunk of the newspaper bag and before it had another chance, the owner quickly detained the dog...whew!

Banjo, that's a really great looking lab you have there!! :thumb:

Speaking of 'oppossums', they're known to be fierce and will lunge out at you if you get near them...I did cared for a couple of baby oppossums when their mother was hit and killed by a vehicle...although, they didn't live very long...for almost two weeks while I tended them and nursed them....