I'm like this, too. I also prefer to be with able-bodied people. Don't know why, but that's been my preference althrough life.
Also I never could make friends as a child.
I got a lot better after I grew up.
I don't have anything against people with disabilities, but I've always preferred to be with sighted children as opposed to blind children.
My mother use to make me sit in front of a TV and try to make me make my hearing better and my step-father was worst he was a person that when he said something he only said it once and the person was shit out of luck if they didn't hear him and I was shit out of luck 99% of the time. :roll:
I'm the opossite. One of the things I hated most about Uni was being the only disabled one. Everyone was so normal. I could never relate to them. I much prefered my stay at RNC (Royal National college for the blind) as there were more people like me there.
And I thought my parents were clueless when it came to me being HOH ! How it that going to help you hear better sitting front of the TV! If the TV was on real loud it could had more harm to your hearing!
She always thought that if a person is hard of hearing they can exercise their ears to hear better, in others words if I really want to hear better all I have to do is try.
LOL! Wow That is really funny !Your mom is really clueless about being HOH!
I am sorry for laughing but I never heard this before! I am sorry you had to go through that. Hearing people just do not get it!
My dad always called me stupid and I wouldn't amount to anything but a ditch digger. He died in '88 and I don't miss him. Mom died in '05 and I do miss her.
I wasn't physically abused...but I was mentally abused.
I honestly don't understand why parents treat their children the way they do. If someone wants to have children, it's their job to do everything possible to raise them in a loving home. If parents aren't capable of doing that, they shouldn't have children in the first place.
She had real good hearing and I guess it was hard for her to understand what was going on with me and not only that she was a nut :roll: