I used to worked in a Senior Citizen Home, right after I graduated from HS. My boss was a good friend of my stepfathers and he hired me because he knew I could cook. I went to HS with his daughter, and he has an older son who was deaf. I worked in the dining room/restaurant area.
After a year and half working there, my main boss got promoted to a Regional Food Service Director. So they hired another guy to come in. Since he came in, he had major issues with me being deaf and telling me I don't belong in the kitchen. At this time, I've worked in the restaurant business for 7 years, I've earned my reputation. I've continued working with this new boss for 6 months.
I was in the process of preparing myself to go off to college. I was going to leave on good terms, but because this new boss was a total jackass for the 6 months I worked with him, I decided to file a discrimination lawsuit against the company because my new boss didn't like working with me because I was 'deaf'. An investigation was pursued and my claim was found accurate. My former fellow employees backed up my statements.
In the end, the company was fined $50,000 and my boss was fined $10,000. A month after I left, this new boss was fired.