I understand what Vamp meant by having a HOH interp'ing for their deaf friends. I have a friend who has CI recently and she grew up oral but she does use ASL to conversate with deaf friends. Before she got her CI, she rarely interp'ed for me whenever we go out to shop or order food. She usually offers to interp for me if the hearing person is having a hard time to understand my writing or whatnot (usually those people don't speak English and they couldn't understand all those special requests I ask on the food) so I grew accustomed to her "services". When she gets her CI, she always prompts herself to be prepared to interp for me. Somtimes i would tell her to take a break and I can write on a piece of paper to get something simple... I think she knew about the interp service that the deaf friends would expect since she is able to hear... but at the same time, i wonder if most deaf people realize that? Because sometimes I can tell when she is getting tired of being asked to interp for SIMPLE things. It depends entirely on the mood of the HOH person, I think. Yeah. If they are in rush then they, of course, will offer to save some time and hassle. It depends on many different factors.
She always said that she is deaf (not Deaf) and HOH if she turns her CI on. Politicially correct is the best way to go.
Although I know several "immature" hearing friends who would just pretend to be deaf for the hell of it. You have to remember they are intriguied by how we interact in the hearing world. They probably just want to get a feeling how it was like to be treated like a truly deaf person.
One time in the days of middle school, one of my hearing friend whom is *VERY* fluent in ASL decided that she would pretend to be deaf in the first day of school- mainstreamed school. She would sign to everybody and hang out with deaf people (my posse of deaf friends who "ruled" the deaf community in the middle school). Everybody *truly* believed that she was deaf because they saw her with me, signing away and so on. She found it hilarious because she was able to spy in some coversations by those hearing folks, talking about "deafness" and us and so on. She would interp for me the gossips in the classes (we had three classes together). Then couple of days later, she had to drop the facade because it was confusing the teachers because she didn't have interps in certain classes where there were no deafies in her class and she managed to understand everything the teacher said even tho she was supposed to be deaf! (ah, she blew her cover)Everybody was sort of upset for all of those follies by her. She transfered next month because she didn't like the hearing kids... hmm... I wondered if she was able to keep that facade longer if she kept her act straight and it would keep her in the school instead of being transferred out...
Nevertheless- I think the hearing people/HOH have an entirely different sense of humor compared to deaf folks so maybe being posed as deaf person is hilarious to them. [Remembering a hearing friend teased me for signing in English and that I am not "Deaf"... she found this *extremely* funny while I gave her my dirty look and said, "that is because you are too slow to understand the ASL at all so I have to sign in English for YOU"]... ecch, i hate it when I snap back... they were asking for it altho.