Hard of hearing 16 year old


New Member
Jul 30, 2015
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My name is Allie, I am 16, and I am hard of hearing. I became deaf in my left ear a couple years ago and am now losing hearing in my right. I am joining this website to find people who will help and encourage me to learn sign.
Greetings Alliescrimp!

I am deaf in my left ear and I am going deaf in my right ear. I have about 10 % hearing left in my right ear and this year, probably in the next 6 months, I will lose the rest of my hearing in my right ear so I know exactly what you are going through!

Don't worry though! There is plenty of people out there who will help you and support you on this road you are on! It's not a lonely road. It's actually another world because the deaf world is completly different than the hearing world.

I strongly encourage you to learn ASL. It is not something to over look and think that you may never learn because with determination, you can do anything!

I have hope for you and I shall wish you loads of luck on your journey!

Welcome to AllDeaf forums, Allie. I hope that you enjoy around here as there are plenty of helpful information to come across to learn about. To learn sign language, you say American Sign Language (ASL) not sign language just so you know as American Sign Language is an actual language which is easy to learn if you are willing to learn and to kickstart the learning of ASL is to learn ABC/123 first because doing so they will help you to learn how to sign ASL much easier and quicker.
Welcome!!!!! What state are you in? There are actually a lot of options if you want to learn ASL if you're still in school! .....Contact your state's School for the Deaf. They can direct you to really good local resources. I'm thinking maybe a good idea might be to see about a high school level dhh program. This is a specialized program that tends to be housed at a hearing high school, but it has the supports that dhh kids need. There may be the option of attending a School for the Deaf in your state, especially if you're in a state with a decent one. Some schools for the Deaf are EXCELLENT! There's also MSSD at Gally in Washington DC. There's also the option of attending a summer camp for dhh teens..... Look into every and anything. A semester or a year at a Deaf School or a dhh program may be just what you need to be immersed in ASL and become fluent in it. You do have the right to become fluent in ASL through the formal educational process, and taking advantage of deaf ed resources is a very good way to do so!
BTW, you can argue for ASL and Deaf ed b/c you've got a progressive loss, and you want to be proactive with any and everything......Regarding the suggestions of Deaf School or dhh program.... i'm NOT suggesting spending the rest of your school career at a Deaf School or a dhh program.... simply saying that some time at a Deaf School or a dhh program or a deaf camp may provide some important pieces of the puzzle.....make sense?