happy birthday to alex ;)

Happy Birthday!

Do you want me to buy you a walking cane, consider this a birthday gift, eh?
Happy birthday Alex and may your day be great.. and do us all a favor?? go out and get all smashed up and hoot it up....
Happt Happy Happeeeeee Bday


Yeeeeeeehaw! that is all the partying I can take tonight... HOpe you had a great bday and got all you ever wanted.... Jeanie:laugh2::laugh2:


Have a great day! Alex
Happy Birthday Boss! :)

very nice 32.. still young..

enjoy your day! :fruit:

LIebling...psstt.... can ya sic the sniffing dogs on Alex and see how he reacts to the dogs sniffing all over him?? hehehe....
LIebling...psstt.... can ya sic the sniffing dogs on Alex and see how he reacts to the dogs sniffing all over him?? hehehe....

LOL! he probably will go aaaaahhh!

Just wish Liebling would get rid of them mutts cuz im tired of their
sniffing noses ...lol!...just kidddinnnnggggg!!