Happy Birthday Liebling:-)))

:tears: Your friendship means so much more than just this forum Liebling and I hope you realized that and same goes to my other true bluesyie friends as well too. of course I forgive you Liebling as always AND don't forget how much fun we all had last July, I will cherish this memories for the rest of my life, you will always have a special place in my heart forever ! :hug:

Once again Happy Birthday sweetie!!!

awww :hug: *back tight hard* It's beautiful word, you find for you & me.

Why should I forget how wonderful time we had last July 2007? NEVER!!! I still have photos here with me... I like to do that again to meet you in real life. :hug:

I know we have different POV in most Religion, declaw, spanking and abortion issues but I still support and love you what you are instead of label you as bad person etc. (it's not my thing) and we have same POV in any threads. I support you when I see something wrong in debate threads which I did last week. I am sure you know that. It's me and it's you. You know me in real life as the same as I know you in real life as well...

:ily: :hug:
@GalaxyAngel, it's great to see you here and thank you for post here to wish me on my birthday... I hope to catch you via MSN chat some day...

@authentic, awww Thank you for a large wonderful cake. I save it in my file... :hug:

@Byrdie714 & WhiteWolves64, awww it's cute for you to practice with German language to wish me on my birthday.

@Northstar, sorry disappoint you that I don't like beer... :giggle: let me have German wine to cheer you up... :D

@Bebonang :lol: I don't think I can eat authentic's big cake myself... it's no room in my stomach... Let me share authentic's big cake with you all ADers... mmmmm

@Tweentybirdie, I'm sorry that I didn't see your thread. I must have overlook it. :(

@Cheri awwww :hug: I am sorry that Angel & my posts make you cry... :hug: - Thank you for wonderful birthday greeting..:hug:

@:lol: Levonian, Ja, Ja, Ich bin fünfundvierzig Jahre alt... :| Das Alter ist doch nur eine Zahl! :dunno: :lol:

@Handsome_Smiley - :giggle: I really never thought about my age... I sometimes forget how old I am... :giggle:

@Jolie_77, awww cute compliment... Yes, WhiteWolves64 answer correct Alles Gute zum Geburtstag = Happy Birthday.

@Dearest jillio, LovelyBlkGal, Oceanblue7, Canuckian_Chick, Defee, Koala, Puyopiyo, Lil_country_gal, ~SG~, shel90, XBGMER, Roadrunner & Calvin, thank you all for your lovely compliment to make my day wonderful.

Again, thank you everyone for wonderful birthday greeting and especially Thank you for Angel to create a thread for me. :hug:
Yes I have great time on my birthday yesterday.

I invited my co-workers to celebrate my birthday in canteen - Indian dishes... mmhhhh... I got 2 bunches of flowers from my male co-workers and Pressure Cooker from my 6 female co-workers.

I got grill pan and small frying pan from my hubby, pretty craft to hang front of window from Alan (He made at school), oil bath from Danny, Italian cookies bin from 3 cats.

We spent quite and comfortable alone...
Happy Belated Birthday Liebling! Sorry I didnt post yesterday. I was suffering with sinus headaches again. But Im here now and saying Happy Birthday to the one of the sweetest people I have ever met.

Psttt you still forgot to give my husband back! hahahaha j/k
Hello Liebing, Happy Birthday and Enjoy! Guess what I got Christmas card from you last week ago. I love this card. thank you so much. I hope that you get my christmas card also.
Happy birthday to Liebling, my best friend. :)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Leibling Happy Birthday sweetie. I sure miss ya alot. Wish we had more time together last summer and have more fun. It was so great to see you there. HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Have a wonderful birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday Liebling! Sorry I didnt post yesterday. I was suffering with sinus headaches again. But Im here now and saying Happy Birthday to the one of the sweetest people I have ever met.

Psttt you still forgot to give my husband back! hahahaha j/k

:ty: It's nice to have you here to congrats on my birthday... no matter what... :D

I am glad that you feel better now.

Yes, I'm really glad to meet you at real life. You are really nice and helpful person. :rofl: yes, your husband is cute man... :giggle:
@Kalista :shock: :lol:

@lilylover72 - :ty: for wonderful compliment and glad that you received Xmas card from me safety. It's good to know that you like it.

@Pacman, RedheadGrrl, steph9700, & Phillips - :ty: for congrat me on my birthday here. :hug:

@horselover61, :ty: for wonderful compliment :hug: Yes, it's really wonderful to meet you at real life last summer 2007. It remains unforgetable!!!!!!
:ty: It's nice to have you here to congrats on my birthday... no matter what... :D

I am glad that you feel better now.

Yes, I'm really glad to meet you at real life. You are really nice and helpful person. :rofl: yes, your husband is cute man... :giggle:

:giggle::ty: Liebling. I do know you made a lasting impression on both my hubby and I.

You reminded me so much of a little kid drinking in all the sights when you were here. *NOT meaning offensively* but in a good way. You made it so exciting for us and made us feel so eager to let you see more of our beautiful Ohio.

To us, Cedar Point and Ohio is old news and getting kinda boring for us. But then you came along and we got to see it through your eyes. And it kinda showed us the area in a new light.

We really enjoyed meeting you Liebling and we do hope that you return someday.
:giggle::ty: Liebling. I do know you made a lasting impression on both my hubby and I.

You reminded me so much of a little kid drinking in all the sights when you were here. *NOT meaning offensively* but in a good way. You made it so exciting for us and made us feel so eager to let you see more of our beautiful Ohio.

To us, Cedar Point and Ohio is old news and getting kinda boring for us. But then you came along and we got to see it through your eyes. And it kinda showed us the area in a new light.

We really enjoyed meeting you Liebling and we do hope that you return someday.

Oh no - no offensive :lol: your description made me feel young... :giggle:

I can understand that Cedar Point is near your hometown is boring for you all. It's good that you enjoy to have my company in Cedar Point and Ohio to forget your boring :D...
Happy Birthday to you, Liebling!!! :)

I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
Happy birthday!! :D:D:D

I didnt realize it's your birthday a while ago.

Angel, are you quitting the AD? Why? I dont want you to leave. :(
Happy Belated Birthday !!!!!!

hahah huge letters :giggle: I havent post in here alldeaf lately due my computer was soooo slow so I cant post anything so now it fine now and I can post it lol :lol: :giggle:

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