Happy Birthday Liebling:-)))

Will you knock it off Angel and Liebling, I'm running out of tissues already. :tears:

Happy Birthday Liebling!!!!!! does your hubby already have the fire dept on stand-by for your birthday cake???? I think with that many candles, it is a fire hazard.:giggle::giggle::giggle:

Hope you had a great day, and remember, tell everyone that you are XX years young, not old!!!
and many, many more!!
Hope you had a great day!
Happy Birthday Liebling!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!:party::cheers::dance2::hug:
Mit freundlichen Gedanken und besten Wünschen auf Ihrem Geburtstag und thoughout das kommende Jahr.

(With friendly thoughts and best wishes on your Birthday and thoughout the coming year.) :D
Happy Birthday, Liebling :) May the best be with you on your special day.

How do you say "Happy Birthday" in German?
Happy Birthday Liebling, I hope ya had a great bday. :)

:birthday: :birthday: :birthday:
Hey there..Happy Birthday to u!!! Hope you have a great one! :)
AWW, My dear, Happy Birthday Liebling! Don't tell me your b-day make you wish. wink!
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a nice time celebrating with your family and many more to come!

:birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:

:birthday: :birthday: Liebling enjoy your day ;)
Originally Posted by DreamDeaf
Happy birthday, my German darling!!!!

Liebling's post:ty: for wonderful birthday card, I got last week... The postman correct my address that's why post takes long...

I got your another wonderful birthday card yesterday with correct address... :eek3: It's 3rd time...

1st birthday card, 2nd thank you card and 3rd birthday card... I really love your homemade craft card... I collect them... :hug: *hard*

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