Happy Birthday Banjo!

Happy Birthday to Canada Banjo!
Happy Birthday Banjo! Hope you'll have a great one. ;)
Happy Birthday Banjo, be sure you do something special on this day, in all cases, something only YOU want to do, big or small, cheap or expensive, complicated or simple just have it you way

Cheers :) :cheers:
How the hell should Banjo not foresee this coming. Hey Banjo, can I have that rock you have been hiding?
Hey! I though the Banjo (musical instrumental) is older than 25 years? Oh, you mean Banjo, Paul, oh yes, sorry! Happy Birthday!
Banjo hasn't been here yet, I'm glad! So, when he gets here, let's all sneak up on him and yell, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BANJO!!!!!

Aw, thanks everybody. Yesterday was quite a busy day for me. So I didn't really have the time to come here.

But I'm glad to hear it from y'all. :)